Interface IUnrealPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT extends ILocated>

Package class diagram package IUnrealPathExecutor
Type Parameters:
All Superinterfaces:

public interface IUnrealPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT extends ILocated>
extends IPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>

UT2004 path executer adding a possibility to provide focus during the


Method Summary
 ILocated getFocus()
          Return current focus of the bot, null means "default" provided by the path executor.
 void setFocus(ILocated located)
          Allows you to set focus during the path-execution, i.e., tell the bot where it should be looking.
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.navigation.IPathExecutor
addStuckDetector, followPath, getLog, getPath, getPathElement, getPathElementIndex, getPathFrom, getPathFuture, getPathTo, getState, inState, isExecuting, isPathUnavailable, isStuck, isTargetReached, notInState, removeAllStuckDetectors, removeStuckDetector, stop

Method Detail


void setFocus(ILocated located)
Allows you to set focus during the path-execution, i.e., tell the bot where it should be looking. You may set this focus multiple times during the whole run.

Note that the focus once set is never overridden by the path executer. So if you want to reset it back to the default focus, set the focus to 'null'.

located -


ILocated getFocus()
Return current focus of the bot, null means "default" provided by the path executor.


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