Class DriveElement

Package class diagram package DriveElement
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.PoshElement<THIS,PARENT>
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.PoshDummyElement<THIS,PARENT>
          extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.NamedLapElement<DriveElement,DriveCollection>
              extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.DriveElement

public final class DriveElement
extends NamedLapElement<DriveElement,DriveCollection>

Drive element (very informative, I know). What is drive? Basically it is a top node of decision tree. It has a trigger and an action. When trigger is satisfied, the drive is elegible to be traversed. Action is just a name, it can be reference (=having same name) to some action, but it can also be reference to C or AP.

In posh it has following syntax(minus variables): (<name> [<trigger>] <name>) The first name is name of the element and second name is name of the action.

In the past, it used to have this form, but not anymore (none knew how to use it and no need to waste scarce resources to support unused features.) (<name> [<trigger>] <name> [<freq>] [<comment>]) The drive is elegible for execution if it has satisfied trigger and it was called less frequently that specified by its frequency (getFreq()).

See Also:
Useful to have an idea what is {@link DriveElement} for.

Field Summary
static DataFlavor dataFlavor
          Data flavor of drive, used in drag-and-drop
static String deName
          Property name for name of a drive
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.PoshDummyElement
Method Summary
 TriggeredAction getAction()
          Get action of this drive (will be performed if elegible, has satisfied trigger and highest priority).
 String getComment()
          Deprecated. Not supported in editor
 DataFlavor getDataFlavor()
          Get data flavour of posh plan element,used during DnD from palette to PoshScene.
 Freq getFreq()
          Deprecated. Part of original posh, not supported in editor.
 List<PoshElement> getChildDataNodes()
          Get list of children of this node.
 String getName()
          Get name of the element.
 Trigger<DriveElement> getTrigger()
          Get trigger of this drive.
 LapType getType()
          Get type of the element.
 boolean moveChild(int newIndex, PoshElement child)
          Move child to the @newIndex.
 void setDriveName(String newName)
          Set name of the drive to new name.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.PoshDummyElement
getUnusedName, isUsedName, moveChildInList
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.PoshElement
addElementListener, emitChildDeleted, emitChildMove, emitChildNode, firePropertyChange, getElementListeners, getNumberOfChildInstances, getParent, getRootNode, isChildOfParent, removeElementListener, setParent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String deName
Property name for name of a drive

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final DataFlavor dataFlavor
Data flavor of drive, used in drag-and-drop

Method Detail


public Trigger<DriveElement> getTrigger()
Get trigger of this drive.


public TriggeredAction getAction()
Get action of this drive (will be performed if elegible, has satisfied trigger and highest priority).

action of this drive


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public List<PoshElement> getChildDataNodes()
Description copied from class: PoshElement
Get list of children of this node. Most likely auto generated every time this method is called.

Specified by:
getChildDataNodes in class PoshElement<DriveElement,DriveCollection>
List of all children of this node.


public String getName()
Description copied from class: NamedLapElement
Get name of the element. The actual name, not display name (e.g. action can have FQN of class, but display name would be derived fromk annotations of the class) or representation (e.g. sense name "health" is different from actual condition of sense "health > 90").

Specified by:
getName in class NamedLapElement<DriveElement,DriveCollection>
Name of the element


public void setDriveName(String newName)
                  throws InvalidNameException,
Set name of the drive to new name.

newName - New name of the drive.
InvalidNameException - If name doesn't match PoshDummyElement.IDENT_PATTERN regexp.


public boolean moveChild(int newIndex,
                         PoshElement child)
Description copied from class: PoshElement
Move child to the @newIndex. After child was moved (if it was moved), notify listeners.

Specified by:
moveChild in class PoshElement<DriveElement,DriveCollection>
if node succesfully moved


public DataFlavor getDataFlavor()
Description copied from class: PoshElement
Get data flavour of posh plan element,used during DnD from palette to PoshScene.

Specified by:
getDataFlavor in class PoshElement<DriveElement,DriveCollection>
dataFlavour of posh plan element, never null.


public LapType getType()
Description copied from class: PoshElement
Get type of the element.

Specified by:
getType in class PoshElement<DriveElement,DriveCollection>
Type of element.


public Freq getFreq()
Deprecated. Part of original posh, not supported in editor.

Get how frequent can this drive be executed. Basically PoshEngine in each evaluation selects the drive with highest priority that has satisfied trigger and is being called less frequently, than specified by the frequency of the drive element.

maximal frequency with which this drive can be called.


public String getComment()
Deprecated. Not supported in editor

Get comment of this drive.

comment of the drive

Copyright © 2012 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.