Interface INamedElement

Package class diagram package INamedElement
All Known Subinterfaces:
IParametrizedElement, IReferenceElement
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActionPattern, Adopt, Competence, CompetenceElement, DriveCollection, DriveElement, Sense, TriggeredAction

public interface INamedElement

Ancestor class for lap elements with name. Most of the elements have a name, but some (e.g. {@link Goal)) don't.


Method Summary
 String getName()
          Get name of the element.

Method Detail


String getName()
Get name of the element. The actual name, not display name (e.g. action can have FQN of class, but display name would be derived fromk annotations of the class) or representation (e.g. sense name "health" is different from actual condition of sense "health > 90").

Name of the element

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