Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDefConBasicEvent

Uses of IDefConBasicEvent in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.defcon.agent.module.sensor

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.defcon.agent.module.sensor that return types with arguments of type IDefConBasicEvent
 LinkedList<IDefConBasicEvent> GameInfo.getEvents()
          Updates all flags, which in turn generates events, which are then returned in a form of LinkedList.

Uses of IDefConBasicEvent in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.defcon.communication.messages.infos

Classes in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.defcon.communication.messages.infos that implement IDefConBasicEvent
 class CeasedFire
          Cease fire truce has been signed event from the world.
 class DebugIsReplayingGameChanged
          Informs about game being replayed.
 class DefConChanged
          Informs about change in defcon.
 class DefConEvent
          Event message for arbitrary world that is run in the same JVM.
 class DefConWorldEvent
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class Destroyed
          Destroyed event from the world.
 class EventBatchBegin
          Marks start of the update batch performed by DefConMediator.
 class EventBatchEnd
          Marks the end of the update batch performed by DefConMediator.
 class GameRunningChanged
          Sent whenever the DefCon game begins (game switches to the map and unit-placing phase begins) or stops.
 class GameSpeedChanged
          Informs about change in game speed.
 class Hit
          Hit event from the world.
 class NewVote
          New vote event from the world.
 class NukeLaunchSilo
          Nuclear launch from silo event from the world.
 class NukeLaunchSub
          Nuclear launch from sub event from the world.
 class PingCarrier
          Ping of a carrier event from the world.
 class PingDetection
          Ping detection event from the world.
 class PingSub
          Ping of a sub event from the world.
 class SharedRadar
          Share radar agreement has been signed event from the world.
 class TeamRetractedVoted
          Team retracted vote event from the world.
 class TeamVoted
          Team vote event from the world.
 class UnceasedFire
          Cease fire truce has been broken event from the world.
 class UnsharedRadar
          Share radar agreement has been broken event from the world.
 class VictoryTimerActiveChanged
          Informs about change in running state of victory time.
 class VoteFinishedNo
          Vote has finished with a "no" decision event from the world.
 class VoteFinishedYes
          Vote has finished with a "yes" decision event from the world.

Uses of IDefConBasicEvent in javabot

Methods in javabot that return types with arguments of type IDefConBasicEvent
static List<IDefConBasicEvent> PogamutJBotSupport.getEvents()

Uses of IDefConBasicEvent in

Classes in that implement IDefConBasicEvent
 class DefConBasicUpdate

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