Package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.gbcommands

Package class diagram package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.gbcommands
Class Summary
Act Will trigger some of the native animations.
AddBot Will add original epic bot to a game.
AddInventory We can add custom inventory for specified bot.
AddRay Add custom ray for automatic ray tracing.
ChangeAttribute Will change the specified attribute of the bot.
ChangeMap Will change map to MapName - map must exist on server (won't be tested), will send MAPCHANGE message.
ChangeTeam Command for changing the bot team.
ChangeWeapon Switch the bots weapon to another.
CheckReachability Check to see if you can move directly to a destination without hitting an obstruction, falling in a pit, etc.
ClearBotsDirty This will do a dirty clear of all bots.
Configuration Configures various attributes of the bot.
ConfigurationObserver Configures various attributes of the observer.
Console You can run all console command by this.
ContinuousMove The bot will continuously move straight ahead according to his actual rotation.
DisconnectObserver Disconnect the observing connection from the currently observed player.
Dodge Causes the bot to dodge (do jump) to supported direction.
DriveTo Only command that is able to move vehicles.
EndPlayers Will stop exporting of IPLR messages synchronously.
EnterVehicle Tries to enter vehicle specified by Id.
ExitVehicle Tries to enter vehicle specified by Id.
FactoryUse Works only in BotScenario GameType.
FastTrace Will send a ray from specified location to specified destination, responds with FTR message.
GetAllInvetories Requests the IINV info batch messages (will be sent as response).
GetAllNavPoints Requests the INAV info batch messages (will be sent as response).
GetAllStatus Request all the possible status messages from the observer.
GetGameInfo Request messages about the game.
GetItemCategory Request to export item category by ITC message.
GetMaps Will request map list from the server.
GetPath Get a path to a specified location or a navigation point.
GetPlayers Will send list of all players currently playing on the server.
GetSelf Request messages about the observed player.
GetSpecialObjects Request messages about special objects on the map.
GetVisibleObjects Request messages about objects the observed player sees.
GiveInventory Gives inventory from one bot to another.
Initialize Message you'll send at the beginning of the communication to create a bot in the game.
InitializeObserver Message you'll send at the beginning of the communication to start observing a player.
Jump Causes bot to jump.
Kick Will kick GameBots Bot from the server.
LeaveVehicle Tries to leave vehicle we are currently driving.
Move The bot will start moving towards FirstLocation.
PasswordReply Send password to the server.
Pause Will pause/unpause the game.
Pick When automatic pickup is disabled for bot (in ini bDisableAutoPickup=true) or if set by CONF {AutoPickupOff True}, use this command to pickup inventory the bot is currently at.
Ping Command for connection detection.
Quit Will shutdown the connection and potentialy kill and remove the bot from a game (if sent to bot), the same can be achieved just by closing the connection.
Ready Command you should send after server HELLO message.
Record Server will start recording demo of current game.
RemoveRay Will remove a ray from auto ray trace specified by Id.
Respawn Use this to kill bot and force him to respawn, you can specify start location and rotation.
Rotate Turns the bot by a specified amount.
SendMessage Send a message to the world or just your team.
SetCrouch Will crouch/uncrouch the bot.
SetGameSpeed Will set speed of the game.
SetLock Will disable new connections to bot server and or control server - depends on parameters.
SetPassword Sets the password for Bot and control connections.
SetRoute Set whether you want to draw blue lines between supported locations in the game.
SetSkin Sets the bot current skin using UTFamilyInfo (e.g.
SetWalk Set whether you are walking or running (default is run).
Shoot Start firing your weapon (until receives STOPSHOOT command, or run out of ammo or die).
SpawnActor Will spawn an actor in the game specified by Type (holds the class of the actor).
StartPlayers Will start to export IPLR messages regularly (like synchronous batch).
Stop Stop all movement.
StopRecord Will stop recording a demo.
StopShooting Stop firing your weapon.
Throw Without any parameters.
Trace Will send a ray from specified location to specified destination, responds with TRC message.
TurnTo Specify a point, rotation value or object to turn towards.
UseTrigger Causes bot to perform usage of a specified trigger.

Copyright © 2013 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.