Class Summary |
AddInventoryMsg |
Asynchronous message. |
AdrenalineGained |
Asynchronous message. |
AliveMessage |
Synchronous message. |
AutoTraceRay |
Synchronous message. |
BeginMessage |
Synchronous message. |
BotDamaged |
Asynchronous message. |
BotKilled |
Asynchronous message. |
Bumped |
Asynchronous message. |
ChangedWeapon |
Asynchronous message. |
ConfigChange |
Asynchronous message. |
EndMessage |
Synchronous message. |
EnteredVehicle |
Asynchronous message. |
ExitedVehicle |
Asynchronous message. |
FactoryUsed |
Asynchronous message. |
FallEdge |
Asynchronous message. |
FastTraceResponse |
Asynchronous message. |
FlagInfo |
Synchronous message. |
FlagInfo.ObjectDisappeared |
Used to drop Visible flag from the object. |
GameInfo |
Asynchronous message. |
GamePaused |
Asynchronous message. |
GameResumed |
Asynchronous message. |
GlobalChat |
Asynchronous message. |
HandShakeEnd |
After receiving READY command, GameBots start to export information about the game. |
HandShakeStart |
After receiving READY command, GameBots start to export information about the game. |
HearNoise |
Asynchronous message. |
HearPickup |
Asynchronous message. |
HelloBotHandshake |
Asynchronous message. |
HelloControlServerHandshake |
Asynchronous message. |
HelloObserverHandshake |
Asynchronous message. |
IncomingProjectile |
Both asynchronous and synchronous message. |
InfoMessages |
Serves for the purpose of testing the parser. |
InitedMessage |
Asynchronous message. |
Item |
Synchronous/asynchronous message. |
Item.ObjectDisappeared |
Used to drop Visible flag from the object. |
ItemCategory |
Synchronous/asynchronous message. |
ItemCategoryEnd |
End of list of item categories - provides informations about items that are present
at the map. |
ItemCategoryStart |
Start of the synchronous batch of ITC messages - representing
the list of item categories which is sent at the beginning of the
connection to GameBots. |
ItemListEnd |
End of list of items - provides informations about items that are present
at the map. |
ItemListStart |
Start of the synchronous batch of INV message - representing
the list of items which is sent at the beginning of the
connection to GameBots. |
ItemPickedUp |
Asynchronous message. |
JumpPerformed |
Asynchronous message. |
KeyEvent |
Asynchronous message. |
Landed |
Asynchronous message. |
LockedVehicle |
Asynchronous message. |
LostChild |
Asynchronous message. |
LostInventory |
Asynchronous message. |
MapChange |
Asynchronous message. |
MapFinished |
Asynchronous message. |
MapList |
Info batch message. |
MapListEnd |
End of list of maps (see IMAP message). |
MapListStart |
Start of the map list - list of all maps available on the server
- needed by server control (IMAP messages). |
Mover |
Synchronous message. |
Mover.ObjectDisappeared |
Used to drop Visible flag from the object. |
MoverListEnd |
End of list of movers - provides information about the map at the beggining
of the communication with the bot. |
MoverListStart |
Start of mover list which is sent at the beginning of
the communication (MOV messages) - provides informations about the map to the bot
at the beggining of the connection (during so-called handshake). |
Mutator |
Info batch message. |
MutatorListEnd |
End of list of mutators - provides information about the map mutators at the beggining
of the communication with the bot (after NFO message). |
MutatorListStart |
Start of mutator list which is sent after NFO message (during so-called handshake). |
MyInventory |
An object in the observed player's inventory. |
MyInventoryEnd |
End of the synchronous batch of MYINV messages - representing
the list of items the observed player has. |
MyInventoryStart |
Start of the synchronous batch of MYINV messages - representing
the list of items the observed player has. |
NavPoint |
Synchronous message. |
NavPoint.ObjectDisappeared |
Used to drop Visible flag from the object. |
NavPointListEnd |
End of list of navigation points - provides information about the map at the beginning
of the communication with the bot. |
NavPointListStart |
Start of navigation point list which is sent at the beginning of
the communication (NAV messages) - provides informations about the map to the bot
at the beggining of the connection (during so-called handshake). |
NavPointNeighbourLink |
Info batch message. |
NavPointNeighbourLinkEnd |
End of list of navigation point neighbours (see INGP message). |
NavPointNeighbourLinkStart |
Start of list of navigation point neighbours (see INGP message). |
ObjectSelected |
Asynchronous message. |
PasswdOk |
Tells you that the passed password is OK. |
PasswdWrong |
Tells you that the passed password is WRONG. |
Password |
Sent during handshake telling you the server is protected by the password
and that you have to provide one to be able to communicate with it. |
PathList |
Info batch message. |
PathListEnd |
End of the path list sent as an response to GETPATH command
(IPTH messages). |
PathListStart |
Start of the path list sent as an response to GETPATH command
(IPTH messages). |
Player |
Synchronous message. |
Player.ObjectDisappeared |
Used to drop Visible flag from the object. |
PlayerDamaged |
Asynchronous message. |
PlayerJoinsGame |
Asynchronous message. |
PlayerKilled |
Asynchronous message. |
PlayerLeft |
Asynchronous message. |
PlayerListEnd |
End of the player list sent by GameBots (see PLR message). |
PlayerListStart |
Start of the player list sent by GameBots (PLR messages). |
PlayerScore |
Synchronous message. |
Pong |
Response of the PING command. |
Reachable |
Asynchronous message. |
RecordingEnded |
Asynchronous message. |
RecordingStarted |
Asynchronous message. |
Self |
Synchronous message. |
ShootingStarted |
Asynchronous message. |
ShootingStopped |
Asynchronous message. |
Spawn |
Asynchronous message. |
TeamChanged |
Aynchronous message. |
TeamChat |
Asynchronous message. |
TeamScore |
Synchronous message. |
Thrown |
Asynchronous message. |
TraceResponse |
Aynchronous message. |
Trigger |
Asynchronous message. |
TriggerUsed |
Asynchronous message. |
Vehicle |
Synchronous message. |
Vehicle.ObjectDisappeared |
Used to drop Visible flag from the object. |
VehicleListEnd |
End of list of vehicles - provides information about the map at the beginning
of the communication with the bot. |
VehicleListStart |
Start of vehicles list which is sent at the beginning of
the communication (VEH messages) - provides informations about the map to the bot
at the beggining of the connection (during so-called handshake). |
VolumeChanged |
Asynchronous message. |
WallCollision |
Asynchronous message. |
WeaponUpdate |
Asynchronous message. |
Yylex |
This class is a scanner generated by
JFlex 1.4.3
on 4/12/13 4:22 AM from the specification file
/mnt/jenkins/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/PogamutUDK (deploy site)/workspace/src/main/jflex/GBUDKParser.jflex |
ZoneChangedBot |
Asynchronous message. |