Package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.gbinfomessages

Package class diagram package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.gbinfomessages
Class Summary
AddInventoryMsg Asynchronous message.
AdrenalineGained Asynchronous message.
AliveMessage Synchronous message.
AutoTraceRay Synchronous message.
BeginMessage Synchronous message.
BotDamaged Asynchronous message.
BotKilled Asynchronous message.
Bumped Asynchronous message.
ChangedWeapon Asynchronous message.
ConfigChange Asynchronous message.
EndMessage Synchronous message.
EnteredVehicle Asynchronous message.
ExitedVehicle Asynchronous message.
FactoryUsed Asynchronous message.
FallEdge Asynchronous message.
FastTraceResponse Asynchronous message.
FlagInfo Synchronous message.
FlagInfo.ObjectDisappeared Used to drop Visible flag from the object.
GameInfo Asynchronous message.
GamePaused Asynchronous message.
GameResumed Asynchronous message.
GlobalChat Asynchronous message.
HandShakeEnd After receiving READY command, GameBots start to export information about the game.
HandShakeStart After receiving READY command, GameBots start to export information about the game.
HearNoise Asynchronous message.
HearPickup Asynchronous message.
HelloBotHandshake Asynchronous message.
HelloControlServerHandshake Asynchronous message.
HelloObserverHandshake Asynchronous message.
IncomingProjectile Both asynchronous and synchronous message.
InfoMessages Serves for the purpose of testing the parser.
InitedMessage Asynchronous message.
Item Synchronous/asynchronous message.
Item.ObjectDisappeared Used to drop Visible flag from the object.
ItemCategory Synchronous/asynchronous message.
ItemCategoryEnd End of list of item categories - provides informations about items that are present at the map.
ItemCategoryStart Start of the synchronous batch of ITC messages - representing the list of item categories which is sent at the beginning of the connection to GameBots.
ItemListEnd End of list of items - provides informations about items that are present at the map.
ItemListStart Start of the synchronous batch of INV message - representing the list of items which is sent at the beginning of the connection to GameBots.
ItemPickedUp Asynchronous message.
JumpPerformed Asynchronous message.
KeyEvent Asynchronous message.
Landed Asynchronous message.
LockedVehicle Asynchronous message.
LostChild Asynchronous message.
LostInventory Asynchronous message.
MapChange Asynchronous message.
MapFinished Asynchronous message.
MapList Info batch message.
MapListEnd End of list of maps (see IMAP message).
MapListStart Start of the map list - list of all maps available on the server - needed by server control (IMAP messages).
Mover Synchronous message.
Mover.ObjectDisappeared Used to drop Visible flag from the object.
MoverListEnd End of list of movers - provides information about the map at the beggining of the communication with the bot.
MoverListStart Start of mover list which is sent at the beginning of the communication (MOV messages) - provides informations about the map to the bot at the beggining of the connection (during so-called handshake).
Mutator Info batch message.
MutatorListEnd End of list of mutators - provides information about the map mutators at the beggining of the communication with the bot (after NFO message).
MutatorListStart Start of mutator list which is sent after NFO message (during so-called handshake).
MyInventory An object in the observed player's inventory.
MyInventoryEnd End of the synchronous batch of MYINV messages - representing the list of items the observed player has.
MyInventoryStart Start of the synchronous batch of MYINV messages - representing the list of items the observed player has.
NavPoint Synchronous message.
NavPoint.ObjectDisappeared Used to drop Visible flag from the object.
NavPointListEnd End of list of navigation points - provides information about the map at the beginning of the communication with the bot.
NavPointListStart Start of navigation point list which is sent at the beginning of the communication (NAV messages) - provides informations about the map to the bot at the beggining of the connection (during so-called handshake).
NavPointNeighbourLink Info batch message.
NavPointNeighbourLinkEnd End of list of navigation point neighbours (see INGP message).
NavPointNeighbourLinkStart Start of list of navigation point neighbours (see INGP message).
ObjectSelected Asynchronous message.
PasswdOk Tells you that the passed password is OK.
PasswdWrong Tells you that the passed password is WRONG.
Password Sent during handshake telling you the server is protected by the password and that you have to provide one to be able to communicate with it.
PathList Info batch message.
PathListEnd End of the path list sent as an response to GETPATH command (IPTH messages).
PathListStart Start of the path list sent as an response to GETPATH command (IPTH messages).
Player Synchronous message.
Player.ObjectDisappeared Used to drop Visible flag from the object.
PlayerDamaged Asynchronous message.
PlayerJoinsGame Asynchronous message.
PlayerKilled Asynchronous message.
PlayerLeft Asynchronous message.
PlayerListEnd End of the player list sent by GameBots (see PLR message).
PlayerListStart Start of the player list sent by GameBots (PLR messages).
PlayerScore Synchronous message.
Pong Response of the PING command.
Reachable Asynchronous message.
RecordingEnded Asynchronous message.
RecordingStarted Asynchronous message.
Self Synchronous message.
ShootingStarted Asynchronous message.
ShootingStopped Asynchronous message.
Spawn Asynchronous message.
TeamChanged Aynchronous message.
TeamChat Asynchronous message.
TeamScore Synchronous message.
Thrown Asynchronous message.
TraceResponse Aynchronous message.
Trigger Asynchronous message.
TriggerUsed Asynchronous message.
Vehicle Synchronous message.
Vehicle.ObjectDisappeared Used to drop Visible flag from the object.
VehicleListEnd End of list of vehicles - provides information about the map at the beginning of the communication with the bot.
VehicleListStart Start of vehicles list which is sent at the beginning of the communication (VEH messages) - provides informations about the map to the bot at the beggining of the connection (during so-called handshake).
VolumeChanged Asynchronous message.
WallCollision Asynchronous message.
WeaponUpdate Asynchronous message.
Yylex This class is a scanner generated by JFlex 1.4.3 on 4/12/13 4:22 AM from the specification file /mnt/jenkins/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/PogamutUDK (deploy site)/workspace/src/main/jflex/GBUDKParser.jflex
ZoneChangedBot Asynchronous message.

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