Class ItemCategory

Package class diagram package ItemCategory
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.InfoMessage
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.GBObjectUpdate
          extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.ItemCategory
All Implemented Interfaces:
IWorldChangeEvent, IWorldObjectUpdatedEvent, IWorldObject, ItemTyped, IGBWorldObjectEvent, cz.cuni.amis.utils.listener.Event

public class ItemCategory
extends GBObjectUpdate
implements IGBWorldObjectEvent, IWorldObject, ItemTyped

Synchronous/asynchronous message. Holds all attributes of item category. There are many item categories in UDK. This class holds attributes for all of them. When some item category is exported just appropriate attributes are exported with it. Corresponding GameBots message is ITC.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.translator.event.IWorldObjectUpdatedEvent
Field Summary
protected  int Amount
          If this item is some ammo or health pack, here we can find out how much of the attribute this item will add.
protected  String InventoryType
          By this class the item is represented in inventory.
protected  ItemType.Category ItemCategory
          Category of the item.
static UnrealId ItemCategoryId
protected  boolean Melee
          For Weapon.
protected  ItemType PickupType
          By this class the item is represented in the map.
protected  double PriAimError
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriAlwaysGibs
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  int PriAmmoClipSize
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  int PriAmmoPerFire
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  String PriAmmoType
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriArmorStops
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  double PriBotRefireRate
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  double PriDamage
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  double PriDamageAtten
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  double PriDamageMax
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  double PriDamageMin
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  double PriDamageRadius
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  String PriDamageType
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriDetonatesGoop
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriExtraMomZ
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  int PriFireCount
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  String PriFireModeType
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriFireOnRelease
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  double PriFireRate
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  int PriInitialAmount
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriInstantHit
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriLeadTarget
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  double PriLifeSpan
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  int PriMaxAmount
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  double PriMaxEffectDistance
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  double PriMaxRange
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  double PriMaxSpeed
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriModeExclusive
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  String PriProjType
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriRecomSplashDamage
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriSpecial
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  double PriSpeed
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriSplashDamage
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriSplashJump
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  double PriSpread
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  int PriSpreadStyle
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriSuperWeapon
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriTossed
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  double PriTossZ
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
protected  boolean PriWaitForRelease
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
static String PROTOTYPE
          Example how the message looks like - used during parser tests.
protected  double SecAimError
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecAlwaysGibs
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  int SecAmmoClipSize
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  int SecAmmoPerFire
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  String SecAmmoType
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecArmorStops
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  double SecBotRefireRate
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  double SecDamage
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  double SecDamageAtten
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  double SecDamageMax
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  double SecDamageMin
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  double SecDamageRadius
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  String SecDamageType
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecDetonatesGoop
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecExtraMomZ
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  int SecFireCount
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  String SecFireModeType
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecFireOnRelease
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  double SecFireRate
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  int SecInitialAmount
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecInstantHit
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecLeadTarget
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  double SecLifeSpan
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  int SecMaxAmount
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  double SecMaxEffectDistance
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  double SecMaxRange
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  double SecMaxSpeed
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecModeExclusive
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  String SecProjType
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecRecomSplashDamage
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecSpecial
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  double SecSpeed
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecSplashDamage
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecSplashJump
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  double SecSpread
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  int SecSpreadStyle
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecSuperWeapon
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecTossed
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  double SecTossZ
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean SecWaitForRelease
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
protected  boolean Sniping
          For Weapon.
protected  boolean SuperHeal
          If this item is health.
protected  double Time
protected  boolean UsesAltAmmo
          For Weapon.
Constructor Summary
          Used by Yylex to create empty message then to fill it's protected fields (Yylex is in the same package).
ItemCategory(ItemCategory original)
          Cloning constructor.
ItemCategory(String InventoryType, ItemType PickupType, ItemType.Category ItemCategory, boolean Melee, boolean Sniping, boolean UsesAltAmmo, String PriFireModeType, boolean PriSplashDamage, boolean PriSplashJump, boolean PriRecomSplashDamage, boolean PriTossed, boolean PriLeadTarget, boolean PriInstantHit, boolean PriFireOnRelease, boolean PriWaitForRelease, boolean PriModeExclusive, double PriFireRate, double PriBotRefireRate, int PriAmmoPerFire, int PriAmmoClipSize, double PriAimError, double PriSpread, int PriSpreadStyle, int PriFireCount, double PriDamageAtten, String PriAmmoType, int PriInitialAmount, int PriMaxAmount, double PriMaxRange, String PriDamageType, boolean PriArmorStops, boolean PriAlwaysGibs, boolean PriSpecial, boolean PriDetonatesGoop, boolean PriSuperWeapon, boolean PriExtraMomZ, String PriProjType, double PriDamage, double PriDamageMax, double PriDamageMin, double PriSpeed, double PriMaxSpeed, double PriLifeSpan, double PriDamageRadius, double PriTossZ, double PriMaxEffectDistance, String SecFireModeType, boolean SecSplashDamage, boolean SecSplashJump, boolean SecRecomSplashDamage, boolean SecTossed, boolean SecLeadTarget, boolean SecInstantHit, boolean SecFireOnRelease, boolean SecWaitForRelease, boolean SecModeExclusive, double SecFireRate, double SecBotRefireRate, int SecAmmoPerFire, int SecAmmoClipSize, double SecAimError, double SecSpread, int SecSpreadStyle, int SecFireCount, double SecDamageAtten, String SecAmmoType, int SecInitialAmount, int SecMaxAmount, double SecMaxRange, String SecDamageType, boolean SecArmorStops, boolean SecAlwaysGibs, boolean SecSpecial, boolean SecDetonatesGoop, boolean SecSuperWeapon, boolean SecExtraMomZ, String SecProjType, double SecDamage, double SecDamageMax, double SecDamageMin, double SecSpeed, double SecMaxSpeed, double SecLifeSpan, double SecDamageRadius, double SecTossZ, double SecMaxEffectDistance, int Amount, boolean SuperHeal)
          Creates new instance of command ItemCategory.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object obj)
 int getAmount()
          If this item is some ammo or health pack, here we can find out how much of the attribute this item will add.
 UnrealId getId()
 String getInventoryType()
          By this class the item is represented in inventory.
 ItemType.Category getItemCategory()
          Category of the item.
 double getLastSeenTime()
 ILocalWorldObject getLocal()
 IWorldObject getObject()
          Returns original object (if method update() has already been called, for bot-programmer that is always true as the original object is updated and then the event is propagated).
 ItemType getPickupType()
          By this class the item is represented in the map.
 double getPriAimError()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 int getPriAmmoClipSize()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 int getPriAmmoPerFire()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 String getPriAmmoType()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getPriBotRefireRate()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getPriDamage()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getPriDamageAtten()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getPriDamageMax()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getPriDamageMin()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getPriDamageRadius()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 String getPriDamageType()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 int getPriFireCount()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 String getPriFireModeType()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getPriFireRate()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 int getPriInitialAmount()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getPriLifeSpan()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 int getPriMaxAmount()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getPriMaxEffectDistance()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getPriMaxRange()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getPriMaxSpeed()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 String getPriProjType()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getPriSpeed()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getPriSpread()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 int getPriSpreadStyle()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getPriTossZ()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 double getSecAimError()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 int getSecAmmoClipSize()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 int getSecAmmoPerFire()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 String getSecAmmoType()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 double getSecBotRefireRate()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 double getSecDamage()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 double getSecDamageAtten()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 double getSecDamageMax()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 double getSecDamageMin()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 double getSecDamageRadius()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 String getSecDamageType()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 int getSecFireCount()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 String getSecFireModeType()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 double getSecFireRate()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 int getSecInitialAmount()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 double getSecLifeSpan()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 int getSecMaxAmount()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 double getSecMaxEffectDistance()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 double getSecMaxRange()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 double getSecMaxSpeed()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 String getSecProjType()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 double getSecSpeed()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 double getSecSpread()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 int getSecSpreadStyle()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 double getSecTossZ()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 ISharedWorldObject getShared()
 long getSimTime()
 IStaticWorldObject getStatic()
protected  double getTime()
 ItemType getType()
          Returns ItemType as injected by ItemTranslator.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isMelee()
          For Weapon.
 boolean isPriAlwaysGibs()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isPriArmorStops()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isPriDetonatesGoop()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isPriExtraMomZ()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isPriFireOnRelease()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isPriInstantHit()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isPriLeadTarget()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isPriModeExclusive()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isPriRecomSplashDamage()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isPriSpecial()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isPriSplashDamage()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isPriSplashJump()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isPriSuperWeapon()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isPriTossed()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isPriWaitForRelease()
          For Weapon, primary firing mode.
 boolean isSecAlwaysGibs()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSecArmorStops()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSecDetonatesGoop()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSecExtraMomZ()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSecFireOnRelease()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSecInstantHit()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSecLeadTarget()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSecModeExclusive()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSecRecomSplashDamage()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSecSpecial()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSecSplashDamage()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSecSplashJump()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSecSuperWeapon()
          For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSecTossed()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSecWaitForRelease()
          For Weapon, secondary firing mode.
 boolean isSniping()
          For Weapon.
 boolean isSuperHeal()
          If this item is health.
 boolean isUsesAltAmmo()
          For Weapon.
protected  void setTime(double time)
 String toHtmlString()
 String toString()
 IWorldObjectUpdateResult update(IWorldObject obj)
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.InfoMessage
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String PROTOTYPE
Example how the message looks like - used during parser tests.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected String InventoryType
By this class the item is represented in inventory. This is inventory type class.


protected ItemType PickupType
By this class the item is represented in the map. This is pickup type class.


protected ItemType.Category ItemCategory
Category of the item. Can be "Weapon", "Ammo", "Armor", "Shield", "Health" or "Other".


protected boolean Melee
For Weapon. True if the weapon is melee weapon (close range).


protected boolean Sniping
For Weapon. True if the weapon is sniping weapon (long range).


protected boolean UsesAltAmmo
For Weapon. True if the weapon uses two separate ammos for primary and secondary firing mode.


protected String PriFireModeType
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Type of the firing mode. If none, the weapon does not have this fireing mode.


protected boolean PriSplashDamage
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If this mode does splash damage.


protected boolean PriSplashJump
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If the splash damage of this firing mode can be used for increasing jump height.


protected boolean PriRecomSplashDamage
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If the engine recommends to use this splash damage. TODO


protected boolean PriTossed
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If the this mode is tossing something (projectile) out.


protected boolean PriLeadTarget
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If this mode can lead the target. TODO


protected boolean PriInstantHit
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If this mode does instant hits - weapon hits instantly - no flying time for bullets.


protected boolean PriFireOnRelease
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If to fire this mode you need to press shooting button (start shooting) and then release it (stop shooting). Usually for charging weapons.


protected boolean PriWaitForRelease
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If to fire this mode you need to stop pressing shooting button between two shots to shoot. You will fire once when pressing the button, then you need to press it again to fire again.


protected boolean PriModeExclusive
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If this firing mode cannot be used at the same time with other firing mode of the weapon.


protected double PriFireRate
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Fire rate in seconds. How fast the weapon fires if we are firing continuosly.


protected double PriBotRefireRate
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Refire rate for bots in seconds. When we stop firing how long does it take to resume firing again.


protected int PriAmmoPerFire
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Needed amount of ammo to fire this weapon mode once.


protected int PriAmmoClipSize
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If the weapon mode has clips, their size. TODO


protected double PriAimError
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Aiming error of the weapon. 0 none, 1000 quite a bit.


protected double PriSpread
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Double, rotator units. No relation to aim error.


protected int PriSpreadStyle
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Type of spreading. TODO


protected int PriFireCount
For Weapon, primary firing mode. TODO


protected double PriDamageAtten
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Attenuate instant-hit/projectile damage by this multiplier.


protected String PriAmmoType
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Class of the ammo.


protected int PriInitialAmount
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Amount of ammo we get if we pick up the item (weapon or ammo) for the first time.


protected int PriMaxAmount
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Max amount of ammo of this type we can have in our inventory.


protected double PriMaxRange
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. TODO


protected String PriDamageType
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Type of the damage. Maybe the same string for all damage.


protected boolean PriArmorStops
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If the armor is effective against this damage type.


protected boolean PriAlwaysGibs
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage kills instantly.


protected boolean PriSpecial
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage is special. TODO


protected boolean PriDetonatesGoop
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage detonates goops. TODO


protected boolean PriSuperWeapon
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage is super weapon damage. Kills everyone even teammates.


protected boolean PriExtraMomZ
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage adds something to Panws momentum. TODO


protected String PriProjType
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Class of the projectile this ammo, weapon spawns.


protected double PriDamage
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. How much damage this projectile does.


protected double PriDamageMax
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. How much maximum damage this projectile does.


protected double PriDamageMin
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. How much minimum damage this projectile does.


protected double PriSpeed
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Default projectile speed.


protected double PriMaxSpeed
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Maximum projectile speed.


protected double PriLifeSpan
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Maximum amount of time in seconds this projectile can survive in the environment.


protected double PriDamageRadius
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If the projectile does splash damage, here is radius in ut units of the splash.


protected double PriTossZ
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If the projectile is tossed, here is velocity in Z direction of the toss. TODO


protected double PriMaxEffectDistance
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Maximum effective distance. TODO


protected String SecFireModeType
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Type of the firing mode. If none, the weapon does not have this fireing mode.


protected boolean SecSplashDamage
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this mode does splash damage.


protected boolean SecSplashJump
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the splash damage of this firing mode can be used for increasing jump height.


protected boolean SecRecomSplashDamage
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the engine recommends to use this splash damage. TODO


protected boolean SecTossed
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the this mode is tossing something (projectile) out.


protected boolean SecLeadTarget
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this mode can lead the target. TODO


protected boolean SecInstantHit
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this mode does instant hits - weapon hits instantly - no flying time for bullets.


protected boolean SecFireOnRelease
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If to fire this mode you need to press shooting button (start shooting) and then release it (stop shooting). Usually for charging weapons.


protected boolean SecWaitForRelease
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If to fire this mode you need to stop pressing shooting button between two shots to shoot. You will fire once when pressing the button, then you need to press it again to fire again.


protected boolean SecModeExclusive
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this firing mode cannot be used at the same time with other firing mode of the weapon.


protected double SecFireRate
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Fire rate in seconds.


protected double SecBotRefireRate
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Refire rate for bots in seconds. TODO


protected int SecAmmoPerFire
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Needed amount of ammo to fire this weapon mode once.


protected int SecAmmoClipSize
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the weapon mode has clips, their size. TODO


protected double SecAimError
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Aiming error of the weapon. 0 none, 1000 quite a bit.


protected double SecSpread
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Double, rotator units. No relation to aim error.


protected int SecSpreadStyle
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Type of spreading. TODO


protected int SecFireCount
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. TODO


protected double SecDamageAtten
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Attenuate instant-hit/projectile damage by this multiplier.


protected String SecAmmoType
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Class of the ammo.


protected int SecInitialAmount
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Amount of ammo we get if we pick up the item (weapon or ammo) for the first time.


protected int SecMaxAmount
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Max amount of ammo of this type we can have in our inventory.


protected double SecMaxRange
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. TODO


protected String SecDamageType
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Type of the damage. Maybe the same string for all damage.


protected boolean SecArmorStops
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the armor is effective against this damage type.


protected boolean SecAlwaysGibs
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage kills instantly.


protected boolean SecSpecial
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage is special. TODO


protected boolean SecDetonatesGoop
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage detonates goops. TODO


protected boolean SecSuperWeapon
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage is super weapon damage. Kills everyone even teammates.


protected boolean SecExtraMomZ
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage adds something to Panws momentum. TODO


protected String SecProjType
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Class of the projectile this ammo, weapon spawns.


protected double SecDamage
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. How much damage this projectile does.


protected double SecDamageMax
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. How much maximum damage this projectile does.


protected double SecDamageMin
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. How much minimum damage this projectile does.


protected double SecSpeed
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Default projectile speed.


protected double SecMaxSpeed
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Maximum projectile speed.


protected double SecLifeSpan
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Maximum amount of time in seconds this projectile can survive in the environment.


protected double SecDamageRadius
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the projectile does splash damage, here is radius in ut units of the splash.


protected double SecTossZ
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the projectile is tossed, here is velocity in Z direction of the toss. TODO


protected double SecMaxEffectDistance
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Maximum effective distance. TODO


protected int Amount
If this item is some ammo or health pack, here we can find out how much of the attribute this item will add.


protected boolean SuperHeal
If this item is health. True if super health.


public static final UnrealId ItemCategoryId


protected double Time
Constructor Detail


public ItemCategory(String InventoryType,
                    ItemType PickupType,
                    ItemType.Category ItemCategory,
                    boolean Melee,
                    boolean Sniping,
                    boolean UsesAltAmmo,
                    String PriFireModeType,
                    boolean PriSplashDamage,
                    boolean PriSplashJump,
                    boolean PriRecomSplashDamage,
                    boolean PriTossed,
                    boolean PriLeadTarget,
                    boolean PriInstantHit,
                    boolean PriFireOnRelease,
                    boolean PriWaitForRelease,
                    boolean PriModeExclusive,
                    double PriFireRate,
                    double PriBotRefireRate,
                    int PriAmmoPerFire,
                    int PriAmmoClipSize,
                    double PriAimError,
                    double PriSpread,
                    int PriSpreadStyle,
                    int PriFireCount,
                    double PriDamageAtten,
                    String PriAmmoType,
                    int PriInitialAmount,
                    int PriMaxAmount,
                    double PriMaxRange,
                    String PriDamageType,
                    boolean PriArmorStops,
                    boolean PriAlwaysGibs,
                    boolean PriSpecial,
                    boolean PriDetonatesGoop,
                    boolean PriSuperWeapon,
                    boolean PriExtraMomZ,
                    String PriProjType,
                    double PriDamage,
                    double PriDamageMax,
                    double PriDamageMin,
                    double PriSpeed,
                    double PriMaxSpeed,
                    double PriLifeSpan,
                    double PriDamageRadius,
                    double PriTossZ,
                    double PriMaxEffectDistance,
                    String SecFireModeType,
                    boolean SecSplashDamage,
                    boolean SecSplashJump,
                    boolean SecRecomSplashDamage,
                    boolean SecTossed,
                    boolean SecLeadTarget,
                    boolean SecInstantHit,
                    boolean SecFireOnRelease,
                    boolean SecWaitForRelease,
                    boolean SecModeExclusive,
                    double SecFireRate,
                    double SecBotRefireRate,
                    int SecAmmoPerFire,
                    int SecAmmoClipSize,
                    double SecAimError,
                    double SecSpread,
                    int SecSpreadStyle,
                    int SecFireCount,
                    double SecDamageAtten,
                    String SecAmmoType,
                    int SecInitialAmount,
                    int SecMaxAmount,
                    double SecMaxRange,
                    String SecDamageType,
                    boolean SecArmorStops,
                    boolean SecAlwaysGibs,
                    boolean SecSpecial,
                    boolean SecDetonatesGoop,
                    boolean SecSuperWeapon,
                    boolean SecExtraMomZ,
                    String SecProjType,
                    double SecDamage,
                    double SecDamageMax,
                    double SecDamageMin,
                    double SecSpeed,
                    double SecMaxSpeed,
                    double SecLifeSpan,
                    double SecDamageRadius,
                    double SecTossZ,
                    double SecMaxEffectDistance,
                    int Amount,
                    boolean SuperHeal)
Creates new instance of command ItemCategory. Synchronous/asynchronous message. Holds all attributes of item category. There are many item categories in UDK. This class holds attributes for all of them. When some item category is exported just appropriate attributes are exported with it. Corresponding GameBots message for this command is .

InventoryType - By this class the item is represented in inventory. This is inventory type class.
PickupType - By this class the item is represented in the map. This is pickup type class.
ItemCategory - Category of the item. Can be "Weapon", "Ammo", "Armor", "Shield", "Health" or "Other".
Melee - For Weapon. True if the weapon is melee weapon (close range).
Sniping - For Weapon. True if the weapon is sniping weapon (long range).
UsesAltAmmo - For Weapon. True if the weapon uses two separate ammos for primary and secondary firing mode.
PriFireModeType - For Weapon, primary firing mode. Type of the firing mode. If none, the weapon does not have this fireing mode.
PriSplashDamage - For Weapon, primary firing mode. If this mode does splash damage.
PriSplashJump - For Weapon, primary firing mode. If the splash damage of this firing mode can be used for increasing jump height.
PriRecomSplashDamage - For Weapon, primary firing mode. If the engine recommends to use this splash damage. TODO
PriTossed - For Weapon, primary firing mode. If the this mode is tossing something (projectile) out.
PriLeadTarget - For Weapon, primary firing mode. If this mode can lead the target. TODO
PriInstantHit - For Weapon, primary firing mode. If this mode does instant hits - weapon hits instantly - no flying time for bullets.
PriFireOnRelease - For Weapon, primary firing mode. If to fire this mode you need to press shooting button (start shooting) and then release it (stop shooting). Usually for charging weapons.
PriWaitForRelease - For Weapon, primary firing mode. If to fire this mode you need to stop pressing shooting button between two shots to shoot. You will fire once when pressing the button, then you need to press it again to fire again.
PriModeExclusive - For Weapon, primary firing mode. If this firing mode cannot be used at the same time with other firing mode of the weapon.
PriFireRate - For Weapon, primary firing mode. Fire rate in seconds. How fast the weapon fires if we are firing continuosly.
PriBotRefireRate - For Weapon, primary firing mode. Refire rate for bots in seconds. When we stop firing how long does it take to resume firing again.
PriAmmoPerFire - For Weapon, primary firing mode. Needed amount of ammo to fire this weapon mode once.
PriAmmoClipSize - For Weapon, primary firing mode. If the weapon mode has clips, their size. TODO
PriAimError - For Weapon, primary firing mode. Aiming error of the weapon. 0 none, 1000 quite a bit.
PriSpread - For Weapon, primary firing mode. Double, rotator units. No relation to aim error.
PriSpreadStyle - For Weapon, primary firing mode. Type of spreading. TODO
PriFireCount - For Weapon, primary firing mode. TODO
PriDamageAtten - For Weapon, primary firing mode. Attenuate instant-hit/projectile damage by this multiplier.
PriAmmoType - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Class of the ammo.
PriInitialAmount - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Amount of ammo we get if we pick up the item (weapon or ammo) for the first time.
PriMaxAmount - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Max amount of ammo of this type we can have in our inventory.
PriMaxRange - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. TODO
PriDamageType - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Type of the damage. Maybe the same string for all damage.
PriArmorStops - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If the armor is effective against this damage type.
PriAlwaysGibs - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage kills instantly.
PriSpecial - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage is special. TODO
PriDetonatesGoop - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage detonates goops. TODO
PriSuperWeapon - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage is super weapon damage. Kills everyone even teammates.
PriExtraMomZ - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage adds something to Panws momentum. TODO
PriProjType - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Class of the projectile this ammo, weapon spawns.
PriDamage - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. How much damage this projectile does.
PriDamageMax - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. How much maximum damage this projectile does.
PriDamageMin - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. How much minimum damage this projectile does.
PriSpeed - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Default projectile speed.
PriMaxSpeed - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Maximum projectile speed.
PriLifeSpan - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Maximum amount of time in seconds this projectile can survive in the environment.
PriDamageRadius - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If the projectile does splash damage, here is radius in ut units of the splash.
PriTossZ - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If the projectile is tossed, here is velocity in Z direction of the toss. TODO
PriMaxEffectDistance - For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Maximum effective distance. TODO
SecFireModeType - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Type of the firing mode. If none, the weapon does not have this fireing mode.
SecSplashDamage - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this mode does splash damage.
SecSplashJump - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the splash damage of this firing mode can be used for increasing jump height.
SecRecomSplashDamage - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the engine recommends to use this splash damage. TODO
SecTossed - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the this mode is tossing something (projectile) out.
SecLeadTarget - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this mode can lead the target. TODO
SecInstantHit - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this mode does instant hits - weapon hits instantly - no flying time for bullets.
SecFireOnRelease - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If to fire this mode you need to press shooting button (start shooting) and then release it (stop shooting). Usually for charging weapons.
SecWaitForRelease - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If to fire this mode you need to stop pressing shooting button between two shots to shoot. You will fire once when pressing the button, then you need to press it again to fire again.
SecModeExclusive - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this firing mode cannot be used at the same time with other firing mode of the weapon.
SecFireRate - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Fire rate in seconds.
SecBotRefireRate - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Refire rate for bots in seconds. TODO
SecAmmoPerFire - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Needed amount of ammo to fire this weapon mode once.
SecAmmoClipSize - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the weapon mode has clips, their size. TODO
SecAimError - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Aiming error of the weapon. 0 none, 1000 quite a bit.
SecSpread - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Double, rotator units. No relation to aim error.
SecSpreadStyle - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Type of spreading. TODO
SecFireCount - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. TODO
SecDamageAtten - For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Attenuate instant-hit/projectile damage by this multiplier.
SecAmmoType - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Class of the ammo.
SecInitialAmount - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Amount of ammo we get if we pick up the item (weapon or ammo) for the first time.
SecMaxAmount - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Max amount of ammo of this type we can have in our inventory.
SecMaxRange - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. TODO
SecDamageType - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Type of the damage. Maybe the same string for all damage.
SecArmorStops - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the armor is effective against this damage type.
SecAlwaysGibs - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage kills instantly.
SecSpecial - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage is special. TODO
SecDetonatesGoop - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage detonates goops. TODO
SecSuperWeapon - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage is super weapon damage. Kills everyone even teammates.
SecExtraMomZ - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage adds something to Panws momentum. TODO
SecProjType - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Class of the projectile this ammo, weapon spawns.
SecDamage - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. How much damage this projectile does.
SecDamageMax - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. How much maximum damage this projectile does.
SecDamageMin - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. How much minimum damage this projectile does.
SecSpeed - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Default projectile speed.
SecMaxSpeed - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Maximum projectile speed.
SecLifeSpan - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Maximum amount of time in seconds this projectile can survive in the environment.
SecDamageRadius - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the projectile does splash damage, here is radius in ut units of the splash.
SecTossZ - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the projectile is tossed, here is velocity in Z direction of the toss. TODO
SecMaxEffectDistance - For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Maximum effective distance. TODO
Amount - If this item is some ammo or health pack, here we can find out how much of the attribute this item will add.
SuperHeal - If this item is health. True if super health.


public ItemCategory(ItemCategory original)
Cloning constructor.


public ItemCategory()
Used by Yylex to create empty message then to fill it's protected fields (Yylex is in the same package).

Method Detail


public String getInventoryType()
By this class the item is represented in inventory. This is inventory type class.


public ItemType getPickupType()
By this class the item is represented in the map. This is pickup type class.


public ItemType.Category getItemCategory()
Category of the item. Can be "Weapon", "Ammo", "Armor", "Shield", "Health" or "Other".


public boolean isMelee()
For Weapon. True if the weapon is melee weapon (close range).


public boolean isSniping()
For Weapon. True if the weapon is sniping weapon (long range).


public boolean isUsesAltAmmo()
For Weapon. True if the weapon uses two separate ammos for primary and secondary firing mode.


public String getPriFireModeType()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Type of the firing mode. If none, the weapon does not have this fireing mode.


public boolean isPriSplashDamage()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If this mode does splash damage.


public boolean isPriSplashJump()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If the splash damage of this firing mode can be used for increasing jump height.


public boolean isPriRecomSplashDamage()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If the engine recommends to use this splash damage. TODO


public boolean isPriTossed()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If the this mode is tossing something (projectile) out.


public boolean isPriLeadTarget()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If this mode can lead the target. TODO


public boolean isPriInstantHit()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If this mode does instant hits - weapon hits instantly - no flying time for bullets.


public boolean isPriFireOnRelease()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If to fire this mode you need to press shooting button (start shooting) and then release it (stop shooting). Usually for charging weapons.


public boolean isPriWaitForRelease()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If to fire this mode you need to stop pressing shooting button between two shots to shoot. You will fire once when pressing the button, then you need to press it again to fire again.


public boolean isPriModeExclusive()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If this firing mode cannot be used at the same time with other firing mode of the weapon.


public double getPriFireRate()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Fire rate in seconds. How fast the weapon fires if we are firing continuosly.


public double getPriBotRefireRate()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Refire rate for bots in seconds. When we stop firing how long does it take to resume firing again.


public int getPriAmmoPerFire()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Needed amount of ammo to fire this weapon mode once.


public int getPriAmmoClipSize()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. If the weapon mode has clips, their size. TODO


public double getPriAimError()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Aiming error of the weapon. 0 none, 1000 quite a bit.


public double getPriSpread()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Double, rotator units. No relation to aim error.


public int getPriSpreadStyle()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Type of spreading. TODO


public int getPriFireCount()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. TODO


public double getPriDamageAtten()
For Weapon, primary firing mode. Attenuate instant-hit/projectile damage by this multiplier.


public String getPriAmmoType()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Class of the ammo.


public int getPriInitialAmount()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Amount of ammo we get if we pick up the item (weapon or ammo) for the first time.


public int getPriMaxAmount()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Max amount of ammo of this type we can have in our inventory.


public double getPriMaxRange()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. TODO


public String getPriDamageType()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Type of the damage. Maybe the same string for all damage.


public boolean isPriArmorStops()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If the armor is effective against this damage type.


public boolean isPriAlwaysGibs()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage kills instantly.


public boolean isPriSpecial()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage is special. TODO


public boolean isPriDetonatesGoop()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage detonates goops. TODO


public boolean isPriSuperWeapon()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage is super weapon damage. Kills everyone even teammates.


public boolean isPriExtraMomZ()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If this damage adds something to Panws momentum. TODO


public String getPriProjType()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Class of the projectile this ammo, weapon spawns.


public double getPriDamage()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. How much damage this projectile does.


public double getPriDamageMax()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. How much maximum damage this projectile does.


public double getPriDamageMin()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. How much minimum damage this projectile does.


public double getPriSpeed()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Default projectile speed.


public double getPriMaxSpeed()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Maximum projectile speed.


public double getPriLifeSpan()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Maximum amount of time in seconds this projectile can survive in the environment.


public double getPriDamageRadius()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If the projectile does splash damage, here is radius in ut units of the splash.


public double getPriTossZ()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. If the projectile is tossed, here is velocity in Z direction of the toss. TODO


public double getPriMaxEffectDistance()
For Ammo or for Weapon, primary firing mode. Maximum effective distance. TODO


public String getSecFireModeType()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Type of the firing mode. If none, the weapon does not have this fireing mode.


public boolean isSecSplashDamage()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this mode does splash damage.


public boolean isSecSplashJump()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the splash damage of this firing mode can be used for increasing jump height.


public boolean isSecRecomSplashDamage()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the engine recommends to use this splash damage. TODO


public boolean isSecTossed()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the this mode is tossing something (projectile) out.


public boolean isSecLeadTarget()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this mode can lead the target. TODO


public boolean isSecInstantHit()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this mode does instant hits - weapon hits instantly - no flying time for bullets.


public boolean isSecFireOnRelease()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If to fire this mode you need to press shooting button (start shooting) and then release it (stop shooting). Usually for charging weapons.


public boolean isSecWaitForRelease()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If to fire this mode you need to stop pressing shooting button between two shots to shoot. You will fire once when pressing the button, then you need to press it again to fire again.


public boolean isSecModeExclusive()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this firing mode cannot be used at the same time with other firing mode of the weapon.


public double getSecFireRate()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Fire rate in seconds.


public double getSecBotRefireRate()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Refire rate for bots in seconds. TODO


public int getSecAmmoPerFire()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Needed amount of ammo to fire this weapon mode once.


public int getSecAmmoClipSize()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the weapon mode has clips, their size. TODO


public double getSecAimError()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Aiming error of the weapon. 0 none, 1000 quite a bit.


public double getSecSpread()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Double, rotator units. No relation to aim error.


public int getSecSpreadStyle()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Type of spreading. TODO


public int getSecFireCount()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. TODO


public double getSecDamageAtten()
For Weapon, secondary firing mode. Attenuate instant-hit/projectile damage by this multiplier.


public String getSecAmmoType()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Class of the ammo.


public int getSecInitialAmount()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Amount of ammo we get if we pick up the item (weapon or ammo) for the first time.


public int getSecMaxAmount()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Max amount of ammo of this type we can have in our inventory.


public double getSecMaxRange()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. TODO


public String getSecDamageType()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Type of the damage. Maybe the same string for all damage.


public boolean isSecArmorStops()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the armor is effective against this damage type.


public boolean isSecAlwaysGibs()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage kills instantly.


public boolean isSecSpecial()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage is special. TODO


public boolean isSecDetonatesGoop()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage detonates goops. TODO


public boolean isSecSuperWeapon()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage is super weapon damage. Kills everyone even teammates.


public boolean isSecExtraMomZ()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If this damage adds something to Panws momentum. TODO


public String getSecProjType()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Class of the projectile this ammo, weapon spawns.


public double getSecDamage()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. How much damage this projectile does.


public double getSecDamageMax()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. How much maximum damage this projectile does.


public double getSecDamageMin()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. How much minimum damage this projectile does.


public double getSecSpeed()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Default projectile speed.


public double getSecMaxSpeed()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Maximum projectile speed.


public double getSecLifeSpan()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Maximum amount of time in seconds this projectile can survive in the environment.


public double getSecDamageRadius()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the projectile does splash damage, here is radius in ut units of the splash.


public double getSecTossZ()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. If the projectile is tossed, here is velocity in Z direction of the toss. TODO


public double getSecMaxEffectDistance()
For Ammo or for Weapon, secondary firing mode. Maximum effective distance. TODO


public int getAmount()
If this item is some ammo or health pack, here we can find out how much of the attribute this item will add.


public boolean isSuperHeal()
If this item is health. True if super health.


public UnrealId getId()
Specified by:
getId in interface IWorldObjectUpdatedEvent
Specified by:
getId in interface IWorldObject


protected double getTime()


protected void setTime(double time)


public double getLastSeenTime()


public ILocalWorldObject getLocal()


public ISharedWorldObject getShared()


public IStaticWorldObject getStatic()


public long getSimTime()
Specified by:
getSimTime in interface IWorldChangeEvent
Specified by:
getSimTime in interface IWorldObject


public boolean equals(Object obj)
equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public ItemType getType()
Description copied from interface: ItemTyped
Returns ItemType as injected by ItemTranslator.

Specified by:
getType in interface ItemTyped


public IWorldObjectUpdateResult update(IWorldObject obj)
Specified by:
update in interface IWorldObjectUpdatedEvent


public IWorldObject getObject()
Returns original object (if method update() has already been called, for bot-programmer that is always true as the original object is updated and then the event is propagated).


public String toString()
toString in class InfoMessage


public String toHtmlString()

Copyright © 2013 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.