Uses of Class

Packages that use SteeringType

Uses of SteeringType in SocialSteeringsBeta

Methods in SocialSteeringsBeta with parameters of type SteeringType
protected  cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.Location SocialSteeringManager.setFocusSpecific(SteeringType steeringType, boolean wantsToStop, cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.Location newFocus, cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.Location focusLoc)

Uses of SteeringType in SteeringProperties

Fields in SteeringProperties declared as SteeringType
protected  SteeringType SteeringProperties.type
          The type of the steering.

Methods in SteeringProperties that return SteeringType
 SteeringType SteeringProperties.getType()

Methods in SteeringProperties with parameters of type SteeringType
 void SteeringProperties.setType(SteeringType type)

Constructors in SteeringProperties with parameters of type SteeringType
SteeringProperties(SteeringType type)
SteeringProperties(SteeringType type, boolean active, double weight)
SteeringProperties(SteeringType type, boolean active, double weight, SteeringProperties.BehaviorType behaviorType)
SteeringProperties(SteeringType type, SteeringProperties.BehaviorType behaviorType)

Uses of SteeringType in SteeringStuff

Fields in SteeringStuff with type parameters of type SteeringType
 HashMap<SteeringType,Double> SteeringManager.steeringWeights

Methods in SteeringStuff that return SteeringType
static SteeringType SteeringType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static SteeringType[] SteeringType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in SteeringStuff that return types with arguments of type SteeringType
static LinkedList<SteeringType> SteeringType.getCollection()
 HashMap<SteeringType,javax.vecmath.Vector3d> SteeringManager.getSteeringForces()
          Returns the hasp map of used steering forces.

Methods in SteeringStuff with parameters of type SteeringType
 void RaycastingManager.addRayFlagChangedListener(SteeringType type, IRaysFlagChanged listener)
          Adds new ISteeringPropertiesChangedListener - he will listen for changes in some steering properties.
 void RaycastingManager.addRays(SteeringType type, LinkedList<SteeringRay> rayList, IRaysFlagChanged listener)
          Adds rays of the type.
 void SteeringManager.addSteering(SteeringType type)
          Adds the steering of the steering type from the argument.
 void SteeringManager.addSteering(SteeringType type, double weight)
          Adds the steering of the steering type from the argument with the weight from the argument.
 HashMap<String,Future<AutoTraceRay>> RaycastingManager.getMyFutureRays(SteeringType type)
          Returns the futureRays of the type.
 boolean SteeringManager.hasSteering(SteeringType type)
          Returns true, if the manager has this steering type in the list of used steerings.
 void RaycastingManager.removeRays(SteeringType type)
          The rays of the type will be removed.
 void SteeringManager.removeSteering(SteeringType type)
          Removes the steering of the steering type from the argument.
protected  cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.Location SteeringManager.setFocusSpecific(SteeringType steeringType, boolean wantsToStop, cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.Location newFocus, cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.Location focusLoc)
 void SteeringManager.setSteeringProperties(SteeringType type, SteeringProperties newProperties)
          Sets the steering properties of the steering type from the argument.

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