View Javadoc

1   package Steerings;
3   import SocialSteeringsBeta.RefLocation;
4   import SteeringStuff.SteeringManager;
5   import SteeringStuff.SteeringTools;
6   import SteeringStuff.RefBoolean;
7   import SteeringProperties.PeopleAvoidanceProperties;
8   import SteeringProperties.SteeringProperties;
9   import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.Location;
10  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.unreal.communication.messages.UnrealId;
11  import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
12  import;
13  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.Player;
14  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.Self;
15  import SteeringStuff.ISteering;
16  import java.util.Collection;
17  import java.util.Random;
18  import javax.vecmath.Tuple3d;
19  import javax.vecmath.Vector2d;
21  /**
22   * A class for providing people avoiding steering.
23   *
24   * @author Marki
25   */
26  public class PeopleAvoidanceSteer implements ISteering {
28      /**This steering needs UT2004Bot (to get velocity, location, bot's id and config change). */
29      private UT2004Bot botself;
31      /**Steering properties: force from other people. Default value is 200. */
32      private int repulsiveForce;
33      /**Steering properties: the distance from other people. Default value is 300. */
34      private int distanceFromOtherPeople;
35      /**Steering properties: go round partner. Default value is false. */
36      private boolean circumvention;
37      /** ISteering properties: length of the vision - in number of ticks. Default value is 16. */
38      private double projection;
39      private boolean deceleration = true;
40      private boolean acceleration = false;
42      private static int TICK_PARTS = 5;
44      Random random = new Random();
46      /**
47       * @param bot Instance of the steered bot.
48       */
49      public PeopleAvoidanceSteer(UT2004Bot bot) {
50          botself = bot;
51      }
53      /** When called, the bot starts steering, when possible, he walks straight, otherwise he steers away from othe people to avoid collision with them. */
54      public Vector3d run(Vector3d scaledActualVelocity, RefBoolean wantsToGoFaster, RefBoolean wantsToStop, RefLocation focus)
55      {
56          //The bot's velocity is received.
57          Vector3d actualVelocity = botself.getVelocity().getVector3d();
58          //Next velocity. If no sensor is active, it will stay as the current velocity.
59          Vector3d nextVelocity = new Vector3d(0,0,0);
61          // A vector from other bot to our bot.
62          Vector3d otherBotToFollower;
64          //My UnrealId.
65          UnrealId myId = botself.getWorldView().getSingle(Self.class).getId();
67          wantsToGoFaster.setValue(true);
69          //Let's deal with other bots too. If they're too close to our bot, they repulse him with their forces.
70          Collection<Player> col = botself.getWorldView().getAllVisible(Player.class).values();
72          for (Player p : col) {
73              if (p.getId() != myId) {               
74                  if (deceleration || acceleration) {
75                      Vector3d notPushVector = notPushPartner(scaledActualVelocity, p, wantsToGoFaster);
76                      nextVelocity.add((Tuple3d) notPushVector);
77                  } else if (circumvention) {
78                      Vector3d goRoundVector = goRoundPartner(p);
79                      nextVelocity.add((Tuple3d) goRoundVector);
80                  }
81                  if(p.getLocation().getDistance(botself.getLocation()) < distanceFromOtherPeople) {
82                      Vector3d botToPlayer = new Vector3d(p.getLocation().x - botself.getLocation().x, p.getLocation().y - botself.getLocation().y, 0);
83                      if (actualVelocity.angle(botToPlayer) < Math.PI/2) {    //Zajímá nás teď jen tehdy je-li vedle nás a více před námi.
84                          otherBotToFollower = new Vector3d(botself.getLocation().x - p.getLocation().x, botself.getLocation().y - p.getLocation().y, botself.getLocation().z - p.getLocation().z);
85                          otherBotToFollower.normalize();
86                          otherBotToFollower.scale(repulsiveForce * (distanceFromOtherPeople - botself.getLocation().getDistance(p.getLocation())) / distanceFromOtherPeople);
87                          if (SteeringManager.DEBUG) System.out.println("Bot "+p.getName()+" je moc blizko ==> odpudivá síla "+otherBotToFollower.length());
88                          wantsToGoFaster.setValue(false);
89                          nextVelocity.add((Tuple3d) otherBotToFollower);
90                      }
91                  }
92              }
93          }
94          return nextVelocity;
95      }
97      private Vector3d goRoundPartner(Player player) {        
98          Vector3d result = new Vector3d(0,0,0);
99          Location myActualLocation = botself.getLocation();
100         Vector3d myVelocity = botself.getVelocity().getVector3d();
101         Location hisActualLocation = player.getLocation();
102         Vector3d hisVelocity = player.getVelocity().getVector3d();
103         Location myNextLocation = null;
104         Location hisNextLocation = null;
105         double collisionTime = -1;
106         for(int t=0;t <= projection*TICK_PARTS;t++){
107             double time = ((double)t)/TICK_PARTS;
108             myNextLocation = getLocationAfterTime(myActualLocation, myVelocity, time);
109             hisNextLocation = getLocationAfterTime(hisActualLocation, hisVelocity, time);
110             if (myNextLocation.getDistance(hisNextLocation) <= distanceFromOtherPeople) {
111                 collisionTime = time;
112                 break;
113             }
114         }
115         if (collisionTime != -1) {  //Za dobu collisionTime bychom se přiblížili příliš blízko.
116             double ourNextDistance = myNextLocation.getDistance(hisNextLocation);
117             Vector3d myNextLocationToHis = new Vector3d(hisNextLocation.x - myNextLocation.x, hisNextLocation.y - myNextLocation.y, hisNextLocation.z - myNextLocation.z);
118             double ourNextAngle = myNextLocationToHis.angle(myVelocity);
120             Vector3d turningVector;
121             double koefA, koefB;
122             boolean turnLeft;
124             /*Teď podle toho, zda bude v danou chvíli druhý bot od nás napravo či nalevo, zatočíme na danou stranu.
125              A podle toho, jak dalekood sebe budeme a za jak dlouho to je, bude síla velká.*/
126             if (ourNextAngle == 0) {
127                 turnLeft = random.nextBoolean();
128                 if (SteeringManager.DEBUG) {
129                     System.out.println("Partner exactly front collision. "+turnLeft);
130                 }
131                 koefA = 1;
132                 koefB = getKoefB(collisionTime);
133             } else {
134                 koefA = getKoefA(ourNextAngle, ourNextDistance);
135                 koefB = getKoefB(collisionTime);
136                 turnLeft = !SteeringTools.pointIsLeftFromTheVector(myVelocity, myNextLocationToHis);
137                 if (SteeringManager.DEBUG) System.out.println("Partner nearly front collision. " + turnLeft);
138                 if (SteeringManager.DEBUG) System.out.println("Distance " + ourNextDistance + " koefA " + koefA + " koefB " + koefB);
139             }
140             turningVector = SteeringTools.getTurningVector2(botself.getVelocity().getVector3d(), turnLeft);
141             turningVector.normalize();
142             turningVector.scale(2*repulsiveForce * koefA * koefB);
143             if (SteeringManager.DEBUG) System.out.println("Turning vector " + turningVector.length());
144             result.add(turningVector);
145         }        
146         return result;
147     }
149     /**Vrací maximum z koefA1 a koefA2, které zkoumají, jak moc agent bude mířit na toho druhého a jak moc budou od sebe v danou chvíli daleko.*/
150     private double getKoefA(double angle, double distance) {
151         return Math.max(getKoefA1(angle), getKoefA2(distance));
152     }
154     /*Pokud je vzdálenost právě distanceFromOthers či více, měl by být koefA 0.
155      * Jinak čím je vzdálenost menší, tím je síla větší.*/
156     private double getKoefA1(double angle) {
157         return Math.max(0, (Math.PI/2 - angle) / Math.PI/2);
158     }
160     /*Pokud je vzdálenost právě distanceFromOthers či více, měl by být koefA 0.
161      * Jinak čím je vzdálenost menší, tím je síla větší.*/
162     private double getKoefA2(double distance) {
163         return Math.max(0, (distanceFromOtherPeople - distance) / distanceFromOtherPeople);
164     }
166     /*Pokud je konfliktní pozice vzdálená jeden tik, měl by být koeficient 1.
167     Pokud je vzdálená méně než jeden tik, výsledek by měl být vyšší. Pokud více, výsledek by měl být něco mezi 0 a 1.*/
168     private double getKoefB(double ticks) {
169         double koef;
170         if (projection > 0) {
171             koef = (projection - ticks)/(projection - 1);
172         } else {
173             koef = 1;
174         }
175         return koef;
176     }
178     private Location getLocationAfterTime(Location start, Vector3d velocity, double time) {
179         return new Location(start.x + time*velocity.x, start.y + time*velocity.y, start.z);
180     }
182     /**
183      */
184     private Vector3d notPushPartner(Vector3d botsVelocity, Player player, RefBoolean wantsToGoFaster) {
185         Vector3d myVelo = botself.getVelocity().getVector3d();
186         Vector3d hisVelo = player.getVelocity().getVector3d();
187         Location myLoc = botself.getLocation();
188         Location hisLoc = player.getLocation();
189         Vector2d vInterSec = SteeringTools.getIntersectionOld(new Vector2d(myLoc.x, myLoc.y), new Vector2d(myVelo.x, myVelo.y), new Vector2d(hisLoc.x, hisLoc.y), new Vector2d(hisVelo.x, hisVelo.y));
190         Vector3d result = new Vector3d();
191         boolean noForce = true;
192         if (vInterSec != null) {    //Zajímají nás jen ty případy, kdy se mají naše budoucí dráhy křížit.
193             Location locInterSec = new Location(vInterSec.x, vInterSec.y, myLoc.z);
194             double myDist = locInterSec.getDistance(myLoc);
195             double hisDist = locInterSec.getDistance(hisLoc);
196             double myTime = myDist / myVelo.length();
197             double hisTime = hisDist / hisVelo.length();
198             double minTime = Math.min(myTime, hisTime);
199             Location myNewLoc = new Location(myLoc.x + myVelo.x * minTime, myLoc.y + myVelo.y * minTime, myLoc.z);
200             Location hisNewLoc = new Location(hisLoc.x + hisVelo.x * minTime, hisLoc.y + hisVelo.y * minTime, hisLoc.z);
201             double newLocsDiff = myNewLoc.getDistance(hisNewLoc);
203             //Podle visionInTicks spočítáme okruh, který nás zajímá - a vše co bude dál (než far_distance), budeme igonorvat.
204             double far_distance = projection*myVelo.length();
205             double far_distance2 = Math.max(far_distance,distanceFromOtherPeople+1); //Aby far_distance2 bylo vyšší než distanceFromOtherPeople.
206             if (myDist <= far_distance2 && newLocsDiff < 2*distanceFromOtherPeople) { //Zajímá nás jen to, kdy není průsečík moc daleko a když bychom se na něm měli setkat "společně", tedy že lokace, na které dorazíme za minTime, budou méně vzdálené než je povolená vzdálenost.
207                 double koefA = (far_distance2 - myDist) / (far_distance2 - distanceFromOtherPeople);
208                 koefA = Math.min(koefA, 1);
209                 double koefB = ( 2*distanceFromOtherPeople - newLocsDiff) / (2*distanceFromOtherPeople);
210                 if (myTime < hisTime && acceleration) {
211                     if (SteeringManager.DEBUG) System.out.println("We speed up: koefA "+koefA+" koefB "+koefB);
212                     noForce = false;
213                     result = getBiggerVelocity(botsVelocity, 3*koefA*koefB, false, wantsToGoFaster);
214                 } else if (myTime > hisTime && deceleration) {
215                     if (SteeringManager.DEBUG) System.out.println("We slow down: koefA "+koefA+" koefB "+koefB);
216                     noForce = false;
217                     result = getBiggerVelocity(botsVelocity, koefA*koefB, true, wantsToGoFaster);
218                 } else if (myTime == hisTime) {
219                     boolean slowDown = random.nextBoolean();
220                     if (SteeringManager.DEBUG) System.out.println("Random --> We slow down "+slowDown+" koefA "+koefA+" koefB "+koefB);
221                     noForce = false;
222                     result = getBiggerVelocity(botsVelocity, 5, slowDown, wantsToGoFaster);
223                 }
224             }
225         }
226         if (noForce && circumvention) {   //Pokud žádný z nich nezpomaluje ani nezrychluje, může mít smysl, aby se obešli.
227             result = goRoundPartner(player);
228         }
229         if (SteeringManager.DEBUG) System.out.println("pushing force: " + result.length());
230         return result;
231     }
233     private Vector3d getBiggerVelocity(Vector3d velocity, double scale, boolean negate, RefBoolean wantsToGoFaster) {
234         Vector3d result = new Vector3d(velocity.x, velocity.y, velocity.z);
235         if (negate) {
236             result.negate();
237             wantsToGoFaster.setValue(false);
238         }
239         result.scale(scale);
240         return result;
241     }
243     public void setProperties(SteeringProperties newProperties) {
244         this.repulsiveForce = ((PeopleAvoidanceProperties)newProperties).getRepulsiveForce();
245         this.distanceFromOtherPeople = ((PeopleAvoidanceProperties)newProperties).getDistanceFromOtherPeople();
246         this.circumvention = ((PeopleAvoidanceProperties)newProperties).isCircumvention();
247         this.deceleration = ((PeopleAvoidanceProperties)newProperties).isDeceleration();
248         this.acceleration = ((PeopleAvoidanceProperties)newProperties).isAcceleration();
249         this.projection = ((PeopleAvoidanceProperties)newProperties).getProjection();
250     }
252     public PeopleAvoidanceProperties getProperties() {
253         PeopleAvoidanceProperties properties = new PeopleAvoidanceProperties();
254         properties.setRepulsiveForce(repulsiveForce);
255         properties.setDistanceFromOtherPeople(distanceFromOtherPeople);
256         properties.setCircumvention(circumvention);
257         properties.setDeceleration(deceleration);
258         properties.setAcceleration(acceleration);
259         properties.setProjection(projection);
260         return properties;
261     }
262 }