Class InitedMessage

Package class diagram package InitedMessage
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.InfoMessage
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.GBObjectUpdate
          extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.InitedMessage
All Implemented Interfaces:
IWorldChangeEvent, IWorldObjectUpdatedEvent, IWorldObject, IGBWorldObjectEvent, cz.cuni.amis.utils.listener.Event

public class InitedMessage
extends GBObjectUpdate
implements IGBWorldObjectEvent, IWorldObject

Asynchronous message. Sent after succesfull init command (so usually just once). Holds many attributes of the bots like speed, id starting and max health, etc. Some attributes are not used due to GameBots mechanics. Corresponding GameBots message is INITED.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.translator.event.IWorldObjectUpdatedEvent
Field Summary
protected  double AccelRate
          Accelartion rate of this bot.
protected  double AdrenalineMax
          Maxium amount of the adrenaline.
protected  double AdrenalineStart
          Amount of adrenaline at the start.
protected  double AirControl
          How well can be the bot controlled in the air (ranges from 0 to 1).
protected  double AirSpeed
          AirSpeed of the bot (in the air).
protected  UnrealId BotId
          A unique unreal Id of the new bot.
protected  double DamageScaling
          Damage scaling for this bot.
protected  double DodgeSpeedFactor
          Dodge speed factor.
protected  double DodgeSpeedZ
          Dodge jump Z boost of the bot.
protected  double GroundSpeed
          Groundspeed of the bot (on the ground).
protected  int HealthFull
          Full health of the bot (usually 100).
protected  int HealthMax
          Maximum health of the bot (default 199).
protected  int HealthStart
          Bot will always start with this health amount (usually 100).
static UnrealId InitedMessageId
protected  double JumpZ
          Bot Jump's Z boost.
protected  double LadderSpeed
          Ladderspeed of the bot (on the ladder).
protected  double MaxFallSpeed
          Max fall speed of the bot.
protected  int MaxMultiJump
          Maximum amount of succesing jumps.
protected  double MultiJumpBoost
          Not used in GB.
static String PROTOTYPE
          Example how the message looks like - used during parser tests.
protected  int ShieldStrengthMax
          Maximum strength of the bot armor (usually 150).
protected  int ShieldStrengthStart
          Starting strength of the bot armor (usually 0).
protected  double Time
protected  double WaterSpeed
          Waterspeed of the bot (in the water).
Constructor Summary
          Used by Yylex to create empty message then to fill it's protected fields (Yylex is in the same package).
InitedMessage(InitedMessage original)
          Cloning constructor.
InitedMessage(UnrealId BotId, int HealthStart, int HealthFull, int HealthMax, double AdrenalineStart, double AdrenalineMax, int ShieldStrengthStart, int ShieldStrengthMax, int MaxMultiJump, double DamageScaling, double GroundSpeed, double WaterSpeed, double AirSpeed, double LadderSpeed, double AccelRate, double JumpZ, double MultiJumpBoost, double MaxFallSpeed, double DodgeSpeedFactor, double DodgeSpeedZ, double AirControl)
          Creates new instance of command InitedMessage.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object obj)
 double getAccelRate()
          Accelartion rate of this bot.
 double getAdrenalineMax()
          Maxium amount of the adrenaline.
 double getAdrenalineStart()
          Amount of adrenaline at the start.
 double getAirControl()
          How well can be the bot controlled in the air (ranges from 0 to 1).
 double getAirSpeed()
          AirSpeed of the bot (in the air).
 UnrealId getBotId()
          A unique unreal Id of the new bot.
 double getDamageScaling()
          Damage scaling for this bot.
 double getDodgeSpeedFactor()
          Dodge speed factor.
 double getDodgeSpeedZ()
          Dodge jump Z boost of the bot.
 double getGroundSpeed()
          Groundspeed of the bot (on the ground).
 int getHealthFull()
          Full health of the bot (usually 100).
 int getHealthMax()
          Maximum health of the bot (default 199).
 int getHealthStart()
          Bot will always start with this health amount (usually 100).
 UnrealId getId()
 double getJumpZ()
          Bot Jump's Z boost.
 double getLadderSpeed()
          Ladderspeed of the bot (on the ladder).
 double getLastSeenTime()
 ILocalWorldObject getLocal()
 double getMaxFallSpeed()
          Max fall speed of the bot.
 int getMaxMultiJump()
          Maximum amount of succesing jumps.
 double getMultiJumpBoost()
          Not used in GB.
 IWorldObject getObject()
          Returns original object (if method update() has already been called, for bot-programmer that is always true as the original object is updated and then the event is propagated).
 ISharedWorldObject getShared()
 int getShieldStrengthMax()
          Maximum strength of the bot armor (usually 150).
 int getShieldStrengthStart()
          Starting strength of the bot armor (usually 0).
 long getSimTime()
 IStaticWorldObject getStatic()
protected  double getTime()
 double getWaterSpeed()
          Waterspeed of the bot (in the water).
 int hashCode()
protected  void setTime(double time)
 String toHtmlString()
 String toString()
 IWorldObjectUpdateResult update(IWorldObject obj)
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.InfoMessage
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String PROTOTYPE
Example how the message looks like - used during parser tests.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected UnrealId BotId
A unique unreal Id of the new bot.


protected int HealthStart
Bot will always start with this health amount (usually 100).


protected int HealthFull
Full health of the bot (usually 100).


protected int HealthMax
Maximum health of the bot (default 199).


protected double AdrenalineStart
Amount of adrenaline at the start. Usually 0.


protected double AdrenalineMax
Maxium amount of the adrenaline. Usually 100 (this can trigger the combos).


protected int ShieldStrengthStart
Starting strength of the bot armor (usually 0).


protected int ShieldStrengthMax
Maximum strength of the bot armor (usually 150).


protected int MaxMultiJump
Maximum amount of succesing jumps. Currently limited to double jump in GB.


protected double DamageScaling
Damage scaling for this bot. (he will deal reduced damage depending on the setting).


protected double GroundSpeed
Groundspeed of the bot (on the ground). Default 440.


protected double WaterSpeed
Waterspeed of the bot (in the water).


protected double AirSpeed
AirSpeed of the bot (in the air).


protected double LadderSpeed
Ladderspeed of the bot (on the ladder).


protected double AccelRate
Accelartion rate of this bot. How fast he accelerates.


protected double JumpZ
Bot Jump's Z boost.


protected double MultiJumpBoost
Not used in GB.


protected double MaxFallSpeed
Max fall speed of the bot.


protected double DodgeSpeedFactor
Dodge speed factor.


protected double DodgeSpeedZ
Dodge jump Z boost of the bot.


protected double AirControl
How well can be the bot controlled in the air (ranges from 0 to 1).


public static final UnrealId InitedMessageId


protected double Time
Constructor Detail


public InitedMessage(UnrealId BotId,
                     int HealthStart,
                     int HealthFull,
                     int HealthMax,
                     double AdrenalineStart,
                     double AdrenalineMax,
                     int ShieldStrengthStart,
                     int ShieldStrengthMax,
                     int MaxMultiJump,
                     double DamageScaling,
                     double GroundSpeed,
                     double WaterSpeed,
                     double AirSpeed,
                     double LadderSpeed,
                     double AccelRate,
                     double JumpZ,
                     double MultiJumpBoost,
                     double MaxFallSpeed,
                     double DodgeSpeedFactor,
                     double DodgeSpeedZ,
                     double AirControl)
Creates new instance of command InitedMessage. Asynchronous message. Sent after succesfull init command (so usually just once). Holds many attributes of the bots like speed, id starting and max health, etc. Some attributes are not used due to GameBots mechanics. Corresponding GameBots message for this command is .

BotId - A unique unreal Id of the new bot.
HealthStart - Bot will always start with this health amount (usually 100).
HealthFull - Full health of the bot (usually 100).
HealthMax - Maximum health of the bot (default 199).
AdrenalineStart - Amount of adrenaline at the start. Usually 0.
AdrenalineMax - Maxium amount of the adrenaline. Usually 100 (this can trigger the combos).
ShieldStrengthStart - Starting strength of the bot armor (usually 0).
ShieldStrengthMax - Maximum strength of the bot armor (usually 150).
MaxMultiJump - Maximum amount of succesing jumps. Currently limited to double jump in GB.
DamageScaling - Damage scaling for this bot. (he will deal reduced damage depending on the setting).
GroundSpeed - Groundspeed of the bot (on the ground). Default 440.
WaterSpeed - Waterspeed of the bot (in the water).
AirSpeed - AirSpeed of the bot (in the air).
LadderSpeed - Ladderspeed of the bot (on the ladder).
AccelRate - Accelartion rate of this bot. How fast he accelerates.
JumpZ - Bot Jump's Z boost.
MultiJumpBoost - Not used in GB.
MaxFallSpeed - Max fall speed of the bot.
DodgeSpeedFactor - Dodge speed factor.
DodgeSpeedZ - Dodge jump Z boost of the bot.
AirControl - How well can be the bot controlled in the air (ranges from 0 to 1).


public InitedMessage(InitedMessage original)
Cloning constructor.


public InitedMessage()
Used by Yylex to create empty message then to fill it's protected fields (Yylex is in the same package).

Method Detail


public UnrealId getBotId()
A unique unreal Id of the new bot.


public int getHealthStart()
Bot will always start with this health amount (usually 100).


public int getHealthFull()
Full health of the bot (usually 100).


public int getHealthMax()
Maximum health of the bot (default 199).


public double getAdrenalineStart()
Amount of adrenaline at the start. Usually 0.


public double getAdrenalineMax()
Maxium amount of the adrenaline. Usually 100 (this can trigger the combos).


public int getShieldStrengthStart()
Starting strength of the bot armor (usually 0).


public int getShieldStrengthMax()
Maximum strength of the bot armor (usually 150).


public int getMaxMultiJump()
Maximum amount of succesing jumps. Currently limited to double jump in GB.


public double getDamageScaling()
Damage scaling for this bot. (he will deal reduced damage depending on the setting).


public double getGroundSpeed()
Groundspeed of the bot (on the ground). Default 440.


public double getWaterSpeed()
Waterspeed of the bot (in the water).


public double getAirSpeed()
AirSpeed of the bot (in the air).


public double getLadderSpeed()
Ladderspeed of the bot (on the ladder).


public double getAccelRate()
Accelartion rate of this bot. How fast he accelerates.


public double getJumpZ()
Bot Jump's Z boost.


public double getMultiJumpBoost()
Not used in GB.


public double getMaxFallSpeed()
Max fall speed of the bot.


public double getDodgeSpeedFactor()
Dodge speed factor.


public double getDodgeSpeedZ()
Dodge jump Z boost of the bot.


public double getAirControl()
How well can be the bot controlled in the air (ranges from 0 to 1).


public UnrealId getId()
Specified by:
getId in interface IWorldObjectUpdatedEvent
Specified by:
getId in interface IWorldObject


protected double getTime()


protected void setTime(double time)


public double getLastSeenTime()


public ILocalWorldObject getLocal()


public ISharedWorldObject getShared()


public IStaticWorldObject getStatic()


public long getSimTime()
Specified by:
getSimTime in interface IWorldChangeEvent
Specified by:
getSimTime in interface IWorldObject


public boolean equals(Object obj)
equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public IWorldObjectUpdateResult update(IWorldObject obj)
Specified by:
update in interface IWorldObjectUpdatedEvent


public IWorldObject getObject()
Returns original object (if method update() has already been called, for bot-programmer that is always true as the original object is updated and then the event is propagated).


public String toString()
toString in class InfoMessage


public String toHtmlString()

Copyright © 2013 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.