Class AgentConfig

Package class diagram package AgentConfig
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.AgentModule<AGENT>
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.SensorModule<UT2004Bot>
          extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.agent.module.sensomotoric.AgentConfig
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AgentConfig
extends SensorModule<UT2004Bot>

Memory module specialized on the agent's configuration inside UT2004.

It should be instantiated inside IUT2004BotController.prepareBot(UT2004Bot)() class and it may be used since IUT2004BotController.botInitialized(cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.GameInfo, ConfigChange, cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.InitedMessage) is called.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.SensorModule
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.AgentModule
agent, controller, eventBus, log
Constructor Summary
AgentConfig(UT2004Bot bot)
AgentConfig(UT2004Bot bot, LogCategory moduleLog)
Method Summary
protected  void cleanUp()
 ConfigChange getConfig()
          Retrieves the configuration of the bot inside UT2004.
 String getName()
          The bot's name.
 Rotation getRotationSpeed()
          Tells how fast the bot is rotating in all three directions (pitch, yaw, roll).
 double getSpeedMultiplier()
          Bots default speed will be multiplied by this number.
 double getVisionTime()
          The delay between two synchronous batches (can range from 0.1 to 2 seconds).
 boolean isAutoPickup()
          It enables/disables automatic pickup of the bot.
 boolean isAutoTrace()
          True, if the bot is using auto ray tracing (is provided with synchronous ATR messages).
 boolean isDrawTraceLines()
          If the GB should draw lines representing the auto ray traces of the bot (for more information see ATR message).
 boolean isInvulnerable()
          If bot is invulnerable (cannot die) or not.
 boolean isManualSpawn()
          True, if you have to spawn the bot manually after each death.
 boolean isShowDebug()
          If some additional debug information will be shown in the UT2004 server console window.
 boolean isShowFocalPoint()
          If true an actor visualizing the location the bot is actually looking at will appear in the game.
 boolean isSynchronousBatchExported()
          It informs whether the sending of all GB synchronous messages is enabled or disabled.
 void setAutoPickup(boolean state)
          It enables/disables automatic pickup of the bot.
 void setAutoTrace(boolean state)
          Enables/disables auto ray tracing feature.
 void setDrawTraceLines(boolean state)
          If set to true an actor will appear in the game on the location the bot is actually looking at.
 void setInvulnerability(boolean state)
          Will set godmode for bot on (bot can't be killed).
 void setManualSpawn(boolean state)
          Enables/disables manual spawning.
 void setName(String newName)
          You can change the name of the bot in the game.
 void setRotationHorizontalSpeed(double speed)
          Sets how fast the bot will rotate horizontally (i.e., yaw rotation == left/right).
 void setRotationSpeed(Rotation rotationSpeeds)
          Sets how fast the bot will rotate in all three axes (yaw/pitch/roll).
 void setRotationVerticalSpeed(double speed)
          Sets how fast the bot will rotate vertically (i.e., pitch rotation == up/down).
 void setShowDebug(boolean state)
          If true some additional debug information will be logged to UT2004 server console window.
 void setShowFocalPoint(boolean state)
          If set to true a marker will appear in the game on the location the bot is actually looking at.
 void setSpeedMultiplier(double value)
          Bots default speed will be multiplied by this number.
 void setSynchronousBatchExport(boolean state)
          It enables/disables sending of all GB synchronous messages for the bot.
 void setVisionTime(double value)
          Between 0.1 to 2 seconds, it sets the delay between two synchronous batches.
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.AgentModule
getComponentId, getLog, getState, initComponentId, isRunning, kill, pause, reset, resume, start, stop, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AgentConfig(UT2004Bot bot)
Constructor. Setups the memory module based on bot's world view.

bot - owner of the module


public AgentConfig(UT2004Bot bot,
                   LogCategory moduleLog)
Constructor. Setups the memory module based on bot's world view.

bot - owner of the module
moduleLog - where to log module's messages
Method Detail


public boolean isManualSpawn()
True, if you have to spawn the bot manually after each death.


public void setManualSpawn(boolean state)
Enables/disables manual spawning.

Sets if the bot will have to be respawned after death manually by RESPAWN command. If false, the bot will respawn automatically.

state -


public boolean isAutoTrace()
True, if the bot is using auto ray tracing (is provided with synchronous ATR messages). See ATR messages for more details.


public void setAutoTrace(boolean state)
Enables/disables auto ray tracing feature.


public String getName()
The bot's name.


public void setName(String newName)
You can change the name of the bot in the game.


public double getSpeedMultiplier()
Bots default speed will be multiplied by this number. Ranges from 0.1 to 2 (default, can be set in ini in [RemoteBot] MaxSpeed).


public void setSpeedMultiplier(double value)
Bots default speed will be multiplied by this number. Ranges from 0.1 to 2 (default, can be set in ini in [RemoteBot] MaxSpeed).


public boolean isInvulnerable()
If bot is invulnerable (cannot die) or not.


public void setInvulnerability(boolean state)
Will set godmode for bot on (bot can't be killed). This can be changed just when cheating is enabled on the server. (bAllowCheats = True)


public double getVisionTime()
The delay between two synchronous batches (can range from 0.1 to 2 seconds).


public void setVisionTime(double value)
Between 0.1 to 2 seconds, it sets the delay between two synchronous batches.


public boolean isShowDebug()
If some additional debug information will be shown in the UT2004 server console window.


public void setShowDebug(boolean state)
If true some additional debug information will be logged to UT2004 server console window.


public boolean isShowFocalPoint()
If true an actor visualizing the location the bot is actually looking at will appear in the game.


public void setShowFocalPoint(boolean state)
If set to true a marker will appear in the game on the location the bot is actually looking at.


public boolean isDrawTraceLines()
If the GB should draw lines representing the auto ray traces of the bot (for more information see ATR message).


public void setDrawTraceLines(boolean state)
If set to true an actor will appear in the game on the location the bot is actually looking at.


public boolean isSynchronousBatchExported()
It informs whether the sending of all GB synchronous messages is enabled or disabled.


public void setSynchronousBatchExport(boolean state)
It enables/disables sending of all GB synchronous messages for the bot.


public boolean isAutoPickup()
It enables/disables automatic pickup of the bot. If false the items can be picked up only through Pick command.


public void setAutoPickup(boolean state)
It enables/disables automatic pickup of the bot. If false is set the items can be picked up through Pick command.


public Rotation getRotationSpeed()
Tells how fast the bot is rotating in all three directions (pitch, yaw, roll).



public void setRotationHorizontalSpeed(double speed)
Sets how fast the bot will rotate horizontally (i.e., yaw rotation == left/right).

speed - desired rotation speed


public void setRotationVerticalSpeed(double speed)
Sets how fast the bot will rotate vertically (i.e., pitch rotation == up/down).

speed - desired rotation speed


public void setRotationSpeed(Rotation rotationSpeeds)
Sets how fast the bot will rotate in all three axes (yaw/pitch/roll).

rotationSpeeds - desired rotation speeds


public ConfigChange getConfig()
Retrieves the configuration of the bot inside UT2004.

Configuration of the bot.


protected void cleanUp()
cleanUp in class AgentModule<UT2004Bot>

Copyright © 2014 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.