Class Items

Package class diagram package Items
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.AgentModule<AGENT>
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.SensorModule<UT2004Bot>
          extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.agent.module.sensor.Items
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class Items
extends SensorModule<UT2004Bot>

Memory module specialized on items on the map.

Apart from providing useful getters based on ItemType, ItemType.Group and ItemType.Category it also provides an optimistic approach for guessing whether some item is spawned inside the map via getSpawnedXYZ methods such as getSpawnedItems().

WARNING:There are methods that contains "reachable" in its name but it is totally unclear what UT2004 means by reachable!!! These methods are for experimenting purposes only.

It is designed to be initialized inside IUT2004BotController.prepareBot(UT2004Bot) method call and may be used since IUT2004BotController.botInitialized(cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.GameInfo, cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.ConfigChange, cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.InitedMessage) is called.

Juraj 'Loque' Simlovic, Jimmy

Nested Class Summary
protected  class Items.EndMessageListener
          EndMessage listener.
protected  class Items.ItemPickedUpListener
          ItemPickedUp listener.
protected  class Items.ItemsListener
protected  class Items.MapPointsListener
          MapPointsListObtained listener.
protected  class Items.NavPointListener
          MapPointsListObtained listener.
Field Summary
protected  AgentInfo agentInfo
          AgentInfo memory module.
protected  Items.EndMessageListener endMessageListener
protected  Game game
          Game memory module.
protected  Items.ItemPickedUpListener itemPickedUpListener
protected  Items.ItemsListener itemsListener
protected  Items.MapPointsListener mapPointsListener
          MapPointsListObtained listener
protected  Items.NavPointListener navPointListener
protected  Map<UnrealId,NavPoint> navPoints
protected  List<NavPoint> navPointsToProcess
          Contains only navpoints that are visible so we can check whether they are spawning-points, if so - we may check whether the item is laying there or not to handle spawning times.
protected  Weaponry weaponry
          Weaponry memory module.
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.SensorModule
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.AgentModule
agent, controller, eventBus, log
Constructor Summary
Items(UT2004Bot bot, AgentInfo agentInfo, Game game, Weaponry weaponry, Logger log)
Method Summary
protected  void cleanUp()
protected  Items.ItemsListener createItemsListener(IWorldView worldView)
          This method is called from the constructor to hook a listener that updated the items field.
protected  Items.MapPointsListener createMapPointsListener(IWorldView worldView)
          This method is called from the constructor to create a listener that initialize items field from the MapPointListObtained event.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getAllItems()
          Retrieves list of all items, which includes all known pickups and all visible thrown items.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getAllItems(ItemType.Category category)
          Retrieves map of all items belonging to a specific 'category' of items, which includes all known pickups.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getAllItems(ItemType.Group group)
          Retrieves map of all items belonging to a specific 'group' of items, which includes all known pickups.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getAllItems(ItemType type)
          Retrieves list of all items of specific type.
 Item getItem(String stringUnrealId)
          Retrieves a specific item from the all items in the map.
 Item getItem(UnrealId id)
          Retrieves a specific item from the all items in the map.
 double getItemRespawnTime(Item item)
          Returns how fast are the items respawning based on their item type (in real seconds according to System.currentTimeMillis().
abstract  double getItemRespawnTime(ItemType itemType)
          Returns how fast are the items respawning based on their item type (in real seconds according to System.currentTimeMillis().
 double getItemRespawnUT2004Time(Item item)
          Returns how fast are the items respawning based on their item type (in UT Time == UT seconds == UnrealUtils.UT2004_TIME_SPEED * 1 seconds).
 double getItemRespawnUT2004Time(ItemType itemType)
          Returns how fast are the items respawning based on their item type (in UT Time == UT seconds == UnrealUtils.UT2004_TIME_SPEED * 1 seconds).
 Item getKnownPickup(String stringUnrealId)
          Retrieves a specific pickup point.
 Item getKnownPickup(UnrealId id)
          Retrieves a specific pickup point.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getKnownPickups()
          Retrieves list of all known item pickup points.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getKnownPickups(ItemType.Category category)
          Retrieves map of all known pickups belonging to a specific 'category' of items, which includes all known pickups.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getKnownPickups(ItemType.Group group)
          Retrieves map of all known pickups belonging to a specific 'group' of items, which includes all known pickups.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getKnownPickups(ItemType type)
          Retrieves list of all known item pickup points of specific type.
 Item getRandomItem()
          Returns random item from 'all' items.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getSpawnedItems()
          Uses isPickupSpawned(Item) to return all items that are believed to be currently spawned.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getSpawnedItems(ItemType.Category category)
          Uses isPickupSpawned(Item) to return all items belonging to a specific 'category' that are believed to be currently spawned.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getSpawnedItems(ItemType.Group group)
          Uses isPickupSpawned(Item) to return all items belonging to a specific 'group' that are believed to be currently spawned.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getSpawnedItems(ItemType type)
          Uses isPickupSpawned(Item) to return all items of 'type' that are believed to be currently spawned.
 Item getVisibleItem(String stringUnrealId)
          Retrieves a specific item from the visible items in the map.
 Item getVisibleItem(UnrealId id)
          Retrieves a specific item from the visible items in the map.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getVisibleItems()
          Retreives list of all visible items, which includes all visible known pickups and all visible thrown items.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getVisibleItems(ItemType.Category category)
          Retrieves map of visible items belonging to a specific 'category' of items, which includes all known pickups.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getVisibleItems(ItemType.Group group)
          Retrieves map of visible items belonging to a specific 'group' of items, which includes all known pickups.
 Map<UnrealId,Item> getVisibleItems(ItemType type)
          Retreives list of all visible items of specific type, which includes all visible known pickups and all visible thrown items.
abstract  boolean isPickable(Item item)
          Method that determines whether 'item' is pickable in the current state of the bot.
 boolean isPickupSpawned(Item item)
          Tells, whether the given pickup point contains a spawned item.
 boolean isPickupSpawned(UnrealId itemId)
          Tells, whether the given pickup point contains a spawned item.
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.AgentModule
getComponentId, getLog, getState, initComponentId, isRunning, kill, pause, reset, resume, start, stop, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Items.ItemsListener itemsListener


protected Items.MapPointsListener mapPointsListener
MapPointsListObtained listener


protected Map<UnrealId,NavPoint> navPoints


protected List<NavPoint> navPointsToProcess
Contains only navpoints that are visible so we can check whether they are spawning-points, if so - we may check whether the item is laying there or not to handle spawning times.


protected Items.NavPointListener navPointListener


protected Items.EndMessageListener endMessageListener


protected Items.ItemPickedUpListener itemPickedUpListener


protected AgentInfo agentInfo
AgentInfo memory module.


protected Weaponry weaponry
Weaponry memory module.


protected Game game
Game memory module.

Constructor Detail


public Items(UT2004Bot bot,
             AgentInfo agentInfo,
             Game game,
             Weaponry weaponry,
             Logger log)
Constructor. Setups the memory module based on bot's world view.

bot - owner of the module that is using it
agentInfo - AgentInfo memory module
log - Logger to be used for logging runtime/debug info, if null is provided the module creates its own logger
Method Detail


public abstract boolean isPickable(Item item)
Method that determines whether 'item' is pickable in the current state of the bot. E.g., it asseses health for health items, ammo for weapons & ammo, etc.

Contributed by: David Holan

item -


public Item getRandomItem()
Returns random item from 'all' items.

Note that there is no need to provide all "getRandomXYZ(xyz)", just use MyCollections.getRandom(java.util.Collection).



public Map<UnrealId,Item> getAllItems()
Retrieves list of all items, which includes all known pickups and all visible thrown items.

Note: The returned Map is unmodifiable and self updating throughout time. Once you obtain a specific Map of items from this module, the Map will get updated based on what happens within the map.

List of all items. Note: Spawned items are included only.


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getAllItems(ItemType type)
Retrieves list of all items of specific type.

Note: The returned Map is unmodifiable and self updating throughout time. Once you obtain a specific Map of items from this module, the Map will get updated based on what happens within the map.

List of all items of specific type. Note: Spawned items are included only.


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getAllItems(ItemType.Category category)
Retrieves map of all items belonging to a specific 'category' of items, which includes all known pickups.

Note: The returned Map is modifiable and is always constructed upon every invocation of this method.

WARNING: O(n) complexity!

category -
Map of all items of a specific category.


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getAllItems(ItemType.Group group)
Retrieves map of all items belonging to a specific 'group' of items, which includes all known pickups.

Note: The returned Map is modifiable and is always constructed upon every invocation of this method.

WARNING: O(n) complexity!

group -
Map of all items of a specific group.


public Item getItem(UnrealId id)
Retrieves a specific item from the all items in the map.

Once obtained it is self-updating based on what happens in the game.

id -
A specific Item be it Spawned or Dropped (Dropped item must be visible though!).


public Item getItem(String stringUnrealId)
Retrieves a specific item from the all items in the map.

Once obtained it is self-updating based on what happens in the game.

stringUnrealId -
A specific Item be it Spawned or Dropped (Dropped item must be visible though!).


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getVisibleItems()
Retreives list of all visible items, which includes all visible known pickups and all visible thrown items.

Note: The returned Map is unmodifiable and self updating throughout time. Once you obtain a specific Map of items from this module, the Map will get updated based on what happens within the map.

List of all visible items. Note: Spawned items are included only.


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getVisibleItems(ItemType type)
Retreives list of all visible items of specific type, which includes all visible known pickups and all visible thrown items.

Note: The returned Map is unmodifiable and self updating throughout time. Once you obtain a specific Map of items from this module, the Map will get updated based on what happens within the map.

List of all visible items of specific type. Note: Spawned items are included only.


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getVisibleItems(ItemType.Category category)
Retrieves map of visible items belonging to a specific 'category' of items, which includes all known pickups.

Note: The returned Map is modifiable and is always constructed upon every invocation of this method.

WARNING: O(n) complexity!

category -
Map of visible items of a specific category.


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getVisibleItems(ItemType.Group group)
Retrieves map of visible items belonging to a specific 'group' of items, which includes all known pickups.

Note: The returned Map is modifiable and is always constructed upon every invocation of this method.

WARNING: O(n) complexity!

group -
Map of visible items of a specific group.


public Item getVisibleItem(UnrealId id)
Retrieves a specific item from the visible items in the map. If item of specified id is not visible returns null.

Once obtained it is self-updating based on what happens in the game.

id -
A specific Item be it Spawned or Dropped.


public Item getVisibleItem(String stringUnrealId)
Retrieves a specific item from the visible items in the map. If item of specified id is not visible returns null.

Once obtained it is self-updating based on what happens in the game.

stringUnrealId -
A specific Item be it Spawned or Dropped.


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getKnownPickups()
Retrieves list of all known item pickup points.

Note: The returned Map is unmodifiable and self updating throughout time. Once you obtain a specific Map of items from this module, the Map will get updated based on what happens within the map.

List of all items. Note: Empty pickups are included as well.
See Also:


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getKnownPickups(ItemType type)
Retrieves list of all known item pickup points of specific type.

Note: The returned Map is unmodifiable and self updating throughout time. Once you obtain a specific Map of items from this module, the Map will get updated based on what happens within the map.

List of all items of specific type. Note: Empty pickups are included as well.
See Also:


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getKnownPickups(ItemType.Category category)
Retrieves map of all known pickups belonging to a specific 'category' of items, which includes all known pickups.

Note: The returned Map is modifiable and is always constructed upon every invocation of this method.

WARNING: O(n) complexity!

category -
Map of known pickups of a specific category.


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getKnownPickups(ItemType.Group group)
Retrieves map of all known pickups belonging to a specific 'group' of items, which includes all known pickups.

Note: The returned Map is modifiable and is always constructed upon every invocation of this method.

WARNING: O(n) complexity!

group -
Map of known pickups of a specific group.


public Item getKnownPickup(UnrealId id)
Retrieves a specific pickup point.

Once obtained it is self-updating based on what happens in the game.

id -
A specific Item be it Spawned or Dropped (Dropped item must be visible though!).


public Item getKnownPickup(String stringUnrealId)
Retrieves a specific pickup point.

Once obtained it is self-updating based on what happens in the game.

stringUnrealId -
A specific Item be it Spawned or Dropped (Dropped item must be visible though!).


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getSpawnedItems()
Uses isPickupSpawned(Item) to return all items that are believed to be currently spawned.

WARNING: O(n) complexity!

collection of spawned items


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getSpawnedItems(ItemType type)
Uses isPickupSpawned(Item) to return all items of 'type' that are believed to be currently spawned.

WARNING: O(n) complexity!

Map of spawned items of a specific type.


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getSpawnedItems(ItemType.Category category)
Uses isPickupSpawned(Item) to return all items belonging to a specific 'category' that are believed to be currently spawned.

Note: The returned Map is modifiable and is always constructed upon every invocation of this method.

WARNING: O(n) complexity!

category -
Map of spawned items of a specific category.


public Map<UnrealId,Item> getSpawnedItems(ItemType.Group group)
Uses isPickupSpawned(Item) to return all items belonging to a specific 'group' that are believed to be currently spawned.

Note: The returned Map is modifiable and is always constructed upon every invocation of this method.

WARNING: O(n) complexity!

group -
Map of spawned items of a specific group.


public double getItemRespawnUT2004Time(Item item)
Returns how fast are the items respawning based on their item type (in UT Time == UT seconds == UnrealUtils.UT2004_TIME_SPEED * 1 seconds).

item -


public double getItemRespawnUT2004Time(ItemType itemType)
Returns how fast are the items respawning based on their item type (in UT Time == UT seconds == UnrealUtils.UT2004_TIME_SPEED * 1 seconds).

itemType -


public double getItemRespawnTime(Item item)
Returns how fast are the items respawning based on their item type (in real seconds according to System.currentTimeMillis().

item -


public abstract double getItemRespawnTime(ItemType itemType)
Returns how fast are the items respawning based on their item type (in real seconds according to System.currentTimeMillis().

itemType -


public boolean isPickupSpawned(Item item)
Tells, whether the given pickup point contains a spawned item.

This implementation is guessing (optimistically) whether the item is spawned based on the last time we have seen it missing (bot has seen its spawning-navpoint but the item was not laying there).

Note that the guessing is not perfect, experiment with it or check the source code and possibly reimplement (probably copy-paste) to suit your needs.

Note that this method is working correctly only if items are respawning.

item - Item, for which its pickup point is to be examined.
True, if the item is spawned; false if the pickup is empty.
See Also:


public boolean isPickupSpawned(UnrealId itemId)
Tells, whether the given pickup point contains a spawned item.

This implementation is guessing (optimistically) whether the item is spawned based on the last time we have seen it missing (saw its navpoint but the item was not laying there).

Note that the guessing is not perfect, experiment with it or check the source code and possibly reimplement to suit your needs.

Note that this method is working only if items are respawning.

itemId - Id of the item, for which its pickup point is to be examined.
True, if the item is spawned; false if the pickup is empty.
See Also:


protected Items.ItemsListener createItemsListener(IWorldView worldView)
This method is called from the constructor to hook a listener that updated the items field.

It must:

  1. initialize itemsListener field
  2. hook the listener to the world view

By overriding this method you may provide your own listener that may wrap Items with your class adding new fields into them.

worldView -


protected Items.MapPointsListener createMapPointsListener(IWorldView worldView)
This method is called from the constructor to create a listener that initialize items field from the MapPointListObtained event.

By overriding this method you may provide your own listener that may wrap Items with your class adding new fields into them.

worldView -


protected void cleanUp()
cleanUp in class AgentModule<UT2004Bot>

Copyright © 2014 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.