Class TurnTo

Package class diagram package TurnTo
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.CommandMessage
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.gbcommands.TurnTo

public class TurnTo
extends CommandMessage

Specify a point, rotation value or object to turn towards. Corresponding GameBots command is TURNTO.

Field Summary
protected  Location Location
          Location you want to face.
protected  Rotation Rotation
          Absolute rotation you want to spin to.
protected  UnrealId Target
          The unique id of a player/object/nav point/whatever that you want to face.
Constructor Summary
          Creates new instance of command TurnTo.
TurnTo(TurnTo original)
          Cloning constructor.
TurnTo(UnrealId Target, Rotation Rotation, Location Location)
          Creates new instance of command TurnTo.
Method Summary
 Location getLocation()
          Location you want to face.
 Rotation getRotation()
          Absolute rotation you want to spin to.
 UnrealId getTarget()
          The unique id of a player/object/nav point/whatever that you want to face.
 TurnTo setLocation(Location Location)
          Location you want to face.
 TurnTo setRotation(Rotation Rotation)
          Absolute rotation you want to spin to.
 TurnTo setTarget(UnrealId Target)
          The unique id of a player/object/nav point/whatever that you want to face.
 String toHtmlString()
 String toMessage()
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected UnrealId Target
The unique id of a player/object/nav point/whatever that you want to face. Must be visible.


protected Rotation Rotation
Absolute rotation you want to spin to. Must be provided as comma delimited ("0,50000,0") and should be in absolute terms and in UT units (2pi = 65535 units). Used only if no target provided. Rotation is parsed: First pitch (up, down), then yaw (left, right), the roll (no effect here, however it is an equivalent of doing a cartwheel).


protected Location Location
Location you want to face. Normal rules for location. Only used if no Target or Rotation.

Constructor Detail


public TurnTo(UnrealId Target,
              Rotation Rotation,
              Location Location)
Creates new instance of command TurnTo. Specify a point, rotation value or object to turn towards. Corresponding GameBots message for this command is TURNTO.

Target - The unique id of a player/object/nav point/whatever that you want to face. Must be visible.
Rotation - Absolute rotation you want to spin to. Must be provided as comma delimited ("0,50000,0") and should be in absolute terms and in UT units (2pi = 65535 units). Used only if no target provided. Rotation is parsed: First pitch (up, down), then yaw (left, right), the roll (no effect here, however it is an equivalent of doing a cartwheel).
Location - Location you want to face. Normal rules for location. Only used if no Target or Rotation.


public TurnTo()
Creates new instance of command TurnTo. Specify a point, rotation value or object to turn towards. Corresponding GameBots message for this command is TURNTO.

WARNING: this is empty-command constructor, you have to use setters to fill it up!


public TurnTo(TurnTo original)
Cloning constructor.

Method Detail


public UnrealId getTarget()
The unique id of a player/object/nav point/whatever that you want to face. Must be visible.


public TurnTo setTarget(UnrealId Target)
The unique id of a player/object/nav point/whatever that you want to face. Must be visible.


public Rotation getRotation()
Absolute rotation you want to spin to. Must be provided as comma delimited ("0,50000,0") and should be in absolute terms and in UT units (2pi = 65535 units). Used only if no target provided. Rotation is parsed: First pitch (up, down), then yaw (left, right), the roll (no effect here, however it is an equivalent of doing a cartwheel).


public TurnTo setRotation(Rotation Rotation)
Absolute rotation you want to spin to. Must be provided as comma delimited ("0,50000,0") and should be in absolute terms and in UT units (2pi = 65535 units). Used only if no target provided. Rotation is parsed: First pitch (up, down), then yaw (left, right), the roll (no effect here, however it is an equivalent of doing a cartwheel).


public Location getLocation()
Location you want to face. Normal rules for location. Only used if no Target or Rotation.


public TurnTo setLocation(Location Location)
Location you want to face. Normal rules for location. Only used if no Target or Rotation.


public String toString()
toString in class CommandMessage


public String toHtmlString()


public String toMessage()

Copyright © 2014 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.