Class MoverStaticImpl

Package class diagram package MoverStaticImpl
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.InfoMessage
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.MoverStatic
          extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.MoverStaticImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
IWorldObject, IStaticWorldObject

public class MoverStaticImpl
extends MoverStatic

Implementation of the static part of the GameBots2004 message MOV.

Complete message documentation: Synchronous message. Movers can be doors, elevators, or any other chunk of architecture that can move. They generally need to be either run into, or activated by shooting or pressing a button. We are working on ways to provide bots with more of the information they need to deal with movers appropriately.

Nested Class Summary
static class MoverStaticImpl.MoverStaticUpdate
Field Summary
protected  Location BasePos
          Base position of the mover.
protected  Location BaseRot
          Base rotation of the mover.
protected  boolean DamageTrig
          True if the mover needs to be shot to be activated.
protected  double DelayTime
          Delay before starting to open (or before lift starts to move).
protected  UnrealId Id
          A unique Id of this mover assigned by the game.
protected  boolean IsMoving
          Does the mover move right now?
protected  double MoveTime
          How long the mover moves, when it becomes triggered, before it stops.
protected  UnrealId NavPointMarker
          Navigation point marking this mover.
protected  double OpenTime
          How long the mover stands still when it reaches its destination position.
protected  String Type
          String class of the mover.
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.MoverStatic
Constructor Summary
          Parameter-less contructor for the message.
MoverStaticImpl(Mover original)
          Cloning constructor from the full message.
MoverStaticImpl(MoverStatic original)
          Cloning constructor from the message part.
MoverStaticImpl(MoverStaticImpl original)
          Cloning constructor from the full message.
MoverStaticImpl(UnrealId Id, boolean DamageTrig, String Type, boolean IsMoving, double MoveTime, double OpenTime, Location BasePos, Location BaseRot, double DelayTime, UnrealId NavPointMarker)
          Creates new instance of the message Mover.
Method Summary
 MoverStaticImpl clone()
 Location getBasePos()
          Base position of the mover.
 Location getBaseRot()
          Base rotation of the mover.
 double getDelayTime()
          Delay before starting to open (or before lift starts to move).
 UnrealId getId()
          A unique Id of this mover assigned by the game.
 double getMoveTime()
          How long the mover moves, when it becomes triggered, before it stops.
 UnrealId getNavPointMarker()
          Navigation point marking this mover.
 double getOpenTime()
          How long the mover stands still when it reaches its destination position.
 String getType()
          String class of the mover.
 boolean isDamageTrig()
          True if the mover needs to be shot to be activated.
 boolean isDifferentFrom(IStaticWorldObject other)
 boolean isIsMoving()
          Does the mover move right now?
 void setSimTime(long SimTime)
          Used by Yylex to slip correct time of the object or programmatically.
 String toHtmlString()
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.MoverStatic
getCompositeClass, getSimTime
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.InfoMessage
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected UnrealId Id
A unique Id of this mover assigned by the game.


protected boolean DamageTrig
True if the mover needs to be shot to be activated.


protected String Type
String class of the mover.


protected boolean IsMoving
Does the mover move right now?


protected double MoveTime
How long the mover moves, when it becomes triggered, before it stops.


protected double OpenTime
How long the mover stands still when it reaches its destination position. After this time, the mover returns back to its initial position.


protected Location BasePos
Base position of the mover.


protected Location BaseRot
Base rotation of the mover.


protected double DelayTime
Delay before starting to open (or before lift starts to move).


protected UnrealId NavPointMarker
Navigation point marking this mover. We can parse this Id to get information about type of the mover. Marker Id contains "lift" string if it is a lift, "door" string if it is a door, etc.

Constructor Detail


public MoverStaticImpl()
Parameter-less contructor for the message.


public MoverStaticImpl(UnrealId Id,
                       boolean DamageTrig,
                       String Type,
                       boolean IsMoving,
                       double MoveTime,
                       double OpenTime,
                       Location BasePos,
                       Location BaseRot,
                       double DelayTime,
                       UnrealId NavPointMarker)
Creates new instance of the message Mover. Synchronous message. Movers can be doors, elevators, or any other chunk of architecture that can move. They generally need to be either run into, or activated by shooting or pressing a button. We are working on ways to provide bots with more of the information they need to deal with movers appropriately. Corresponding GameBots message (static part) is MOV.

Id - A unique Id of this mover assigned by the game.
DamageTrig - True if the mover needs to be shot to be activated.
Type - String class of the mover.
IsMoving - Does the mover move right now?
MoveTime - How long the mover moves, when it becomes triggered, before it stops.
OpenTime - How long the mover stands still when it reaches its destination position. After this time, the mover returns back to its initial position.
BasePos - Base position of the mover.
BaseRot - Base rotation of the mover.
DelayTime - Delay before starting to open (or before lift starts to move).
NavPointMarker - Navigation point marking this mover. We can parse this Id to get information about type of the mover. Marker Id contains "lift" string if it is a lift, "door" string if it is a door, etc.


public MoverStaticImpl(Mover original)
Cloning constructor from the full message.

original -


public MoverStaticImpl(MoverStaticImpl original)
Cloning constructor from the full message.

original -


public MoverStaticImpl(MoverStatic original)
Cloning constructor from the message part.

original -
Method Detail


public void setSimTime(long SimTime)
Description copied from class: MoverStatic
Used by Yylex to slip correct time of the object or programmatically.

setSimTime in class MoverStatic


public MoverStaticImpl clone()
Specified by:
clone in class MoverStatic


public UnrealId getId()
A unique Id of this mover assigned by the game.

Specified by:
getId in interface IWorldObject
Specified by:
getId in class MoverStatic


public boolean isDamageTrig()
True if the mover needs to be shot to be activated.

Specified by:
isDamageTrig in class MoverStatic


public String getType()
String class of the mover.

Specified by:
getType in class MoverStatic


public boolean isIsMoving()
Does the mover move right now?

Specified by:
isIsMoving in class MoverStatic


public double getMoveTime()
How long the mover moves, when it becomes triggered, before it stops.

Specified by:
getMoveTime in class MoverStatic


public double getOpenTime()
How long the mover stands still when it reaches its destination position. After this time, the mover returns back to its initial position.

Specified by:
getOpenTime in class MoverStatic


public Location getBasePos()
Base position of the mover.

Specified by:
getBasePos in class MoverStatic


public Location getBaseRot()
Base rotation of the mover.

Specified by:
getBaseRot in class MoverStatic


public double getDelayTime()
Delay before starting to open (or before lift starts to move).

Specified by:
getDelayTime in class MoverStatic


public UnrealId getNavPointMarker()
Navigation point marking this mover. We can parse this Id to get information about type of the mover. Marker Id contains "lift" string if it is a lift, "door" string if it is a door, etc.

Specified by:
getNavPointMarker in class MoverStatic


public boolean isDifferentFrom(IStaticWorldObject other)
Specified by:
isDifferentFrom in interface IStaticWorldObject
isDifferentFrom in class MoverStatic


public String toString()
toString in class MoverStatic


public String toHtmlString()
toHtmlString in class MoverStatic

Copyright © 2014 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.