Class AgentInfo

Package class diagram package AgentInfo
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.AgentModule<AGENT>
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.SensorModule<UDKBot>
          extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.agent.module.sensor.AgentInfo
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AgentInfo
extends SensorModule<UDKBot>

Memory module specialized on general info about the agent whereabouts.

It is designed to be initialized inside IUDKBotController.prepareBot(UDKBot) method call and may be used since first Self message is received, i.e, since the first IUDKBotController.botSpawned(cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.GameInfo, ConfigChange, InitedMessage, Self) is called.

Juraj 'Loque' Simlovic, Jimmy

Field Summary
          Which distance to a location is considered the same as specified location.
 Game game
          Game memory module.
static double IS_FACING_ANGLE
          What angle is considered to be maximum facing angle by default (in degrees).
static String NONE_WEAPON_ID
static int TEAM_BLUE
          Blue team number.
static int TEAM_GOLD
          Gold team number.
static int TEAM_GREEN
          Green team number.
static int TEAM_NONE
          No-team number.
static int TEAM_RED
          Red team number.
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.SensorModule
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.AgentModule
agent, controller, eventBus, log
Constructor Summary
AgentInfo(UDKBot bot)
AgentInfo(UDKBot bot, Game game)
AgentInfo(UDKBot bot, Game game, Logger log)
Method Summary
 Double _getCurrentVolumeTerminalVelocity()
          FIXME[js]: What the hell is this good for?
 boolean atLocation(Location location)
 boolean atLocation(Location location, double epsilon)
 Double getAccelerationRate()
          Retreives acceleration rate of the agent.
 Double getAirControl()
          Retreives agent's control of movement while in the air.
 Double getAirSpeed()
          Retreives maximum speed of the agent while moving in the air.
 Integer getArmor()
          Tells, how much of combined armor the agent is wearing.
 Double getBaseSpeed()
          Retreives maximum base speed of the agent.
 ConfigChange getConfig()
          Retrieves the configuration of the bot inside UT2004.
 Integer getCurrentAmmo()
          Tells, how much ammunition the agent has left for the current weapon in its primary firing mode.
 Integer getCurrentSecondaryAmmo()
          Tells, how much ammunition the agent has left for the current weapon in its alternate (secondary) firing mode.
 Double getCurrentVolumeDamagePerSec()
          Amount of damage taken for spending time in the current volume.
 String getCurrentVolumeDamageType()
          Retreives type of damage the current volume inflicts to the agent while he spends time in this volume.
 Double getCurrentVolumeFluidFriction()
          Friction of the fluid in this map volume.
 Double getCurrentVolumeGroundFriction()
          Friction of the floor in this map volume.
 UnrealId getCurrentWeapon()
          Retreives UnrealId of the weapon the agent is currently holding.
 Velocity getCurrentZoneGravity()
          Gravity in this map zone.
 Velocity getCurrentZoneVelocity()
          Pulling velocity in this map zone.
 Double getDamageScaling()
          Retreives scaling factor for damage dealt by the agent.
 int getDeaths()
          Retreives number of deaths the agent took.
 Double getDistance(Location location)
          Computes crow-fly distance of the agent from given location.
 Double getDodgeSpeedFactor()
          Retreives maximum speed of the agent while using dodge.
 Double getDodgeZBoost()
          Retreives boost of the agent in the Z axis while using dodge.
 Double getFallSpeed()
          Retreives maximum speed of the agent while falling.
 Location getFloorLocation()
          Retreives location of the nearest map geometry directly beneath the agent.
 Integer getHealth()
          Tells, how much health the agent has.
 Integer getHighArmor()
          Tells, how much of high armor the agent is wearing.
 UnrealId getId()
          Retreives a unique ID of the agent in the game.
 Double getJumpZBoost()
          Retreives boost of the agent in the Z axis while jumping.
 int getKills()
          Retreives number of kills the agent scored.
 Double getLadderSpeed()
          Retreives maximum speed of the agent while moving on a ladder.
 Location getLocation()
          Retreives absolute location of the agent within the map.
 Integer getLowArmor()
          Tells, how much of low armor the agent is wearing.
 String getName()
          Retreives current name of the agent in the game.
 Item getNearestItem()
          Retrieves nearest known item to current agent location.
 NavPoint getNearestNavPoint()
          Retrieves nearest known navpoint to current agent location.
 Player getNearestPlayer()
          Retrieves nearest known player to current agent location.
 Item getNearestVisibleItem()
          Retrieves nearest visible item to current agent location.
 NavPoint getNearestVisibleNavPoint()
          Retrieves nearest visible navpoint to current agent location.
 Player getNearestVisiblePlayer()
          Retrieves nearest visible player to current agent location.
 Double getRemainingUDamageTime()
          Tells whether the agent has the damage multiplier (UDamage) bonus boost activated and how long will the UDamage boost remain active.
 Rotation getRotation()
          Retreives absolute rotation of the agent within the map.
 int getScore()
          Retreives current agent score.
 Self getSelf()
 int getSuicides()
          Retreives number of suicides the agent commited.
 Integer getTeam()
          Retreives team number the agent is on.
 int getTeamScore()
          Retreives current agent's team score.
 double getTime()
          Retreives current game time, since the game started.
 Velocity getVelocity()
          Retreives current velocity of the agent as a vector of movement.
 Double getWaterSpeed()
          Retreives maximum speed of the agent while moving in water.
 Boolean hasArmor()
          Tells, whether the agent is armored to the maximum extent.
 Boolean hasHighArmor()
          Tells, whether the agent is armored to the maximum of high-armor extent.
 Boolean hasLowArmor()
          Tells, whether the agent is armored to the maximum of low-armor extent.
 Boolean hasUDamage()
          Tells whether the agent has the damage multiplier (UDamage) bonus boost activated.
 Boolean hasWeapon()
          Tells whether the bot is holding some weapon or not.
 Boolean isCrouched()
          Tells, whether the agent is crouched.
 Boolean isCurrentVolumeAffectingProjectiles()
          Tells, whether the current volume imparts its velocity to projectiles.
 Boolean isCurrentVolumeBanningInventory()
          Tells, whether the current volume (the one the agent is within) forbids usage of the inventory.
 Boolean isCurrentVolumeDestructive()
          Tells, whether the current volume kills the actors (almost) instantly.
 Boolean isCurrentVolumePainCausing()
          Tells, whether the current volume is causing damage.
 Boolean isCurrentVolumeWater()
          Tells, whether the current volume is water.
 Boolean isCurrentZoneNeutral()
          Tells, whether the current zone is a neutral zone.
 boolean isEnemy(int team)
          Tells, whether a given team is an enemy team to the agent.
 boolean isEnemy(Player player)
          Tells, whether a given player is an enemy to the agent.
 Boolean isFacing(ILocated location)
          Tells if the agent is currently facing input location.
 Boolean isFacing(ILocated location, double angle)
          Tells if the agent is currently facing input location.
 boolean isFriend(int team)
          Tells, whether a given team is a friend team to the agent.
 boolean isFriend(Player player)
          Tells, whether a given player is a friend to the agent.
 Boolean isHealthy()
          Tells, whether the agent is healthy, i.e.
 Boolean isMoving()
          Tells, whether the agent is moving.
 Boolean isPrimaryShooting()
          Tells, whether the agent is shooting with primary fire mode.
 Boolean isSecondaryShooting()
          Tells, whether the agent is shooting with alternate (secondary) fire mode.
 Boolean isShooting()
          Tells, whether the agent is shooting or not.
 Boolean isSuperHealthy()
          Tells, whether the agent is healthy to the maximum boostable extent.
 Boolean isTouchingGround()
          Tells, whether the agent is currently touching the groud with his feets.
 Boolean isWalking()
          Tells, whether the agent is walking.
protected  void start(boolean startPaused)
          Provides initialization of the module (clearing internal data structures).
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.AgentModule
cleanUp, getComponentId, getLog, getState, initComponentId, isRunning, kill, pause, reset, resume, stop, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String NONE_WEAPON_ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TEAM_RED
Red team number.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TEAM_BLUE
Blue team number.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TEAM_GREEN
Green team number.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TEAM_GOLD
Gold team number.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TEAM_NONE
No-team number.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final double AT_LOCATION_EPSILON
Which distance to a location is considered the same as specified location. Note that UT units are rather small.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final double IS_FACING_ANGLE
What angle is considered to be maximum facing angle by default (in degrees).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public Game game
Game memory module.

Constructor Detail


public AgentInfo(UDKBot bot)
Constructor. Setups the memory module based on bot's world view.

game - game info module


public AgentInfo(UDKBot bot,
                 Game game)
Constructor. Setups the memory module based on bot's world view.

bot - owner of the module
game - game info module


public AgentInfo(UDKBot bot,
                 Game game,
                 Logger log)
Constructor. Setups the memory module based on bot's world view.

bot - owner of the module
game - game info module
log - Logger to be used for logging runtime/debug info. Note: If null is provided, this memory module creates it's own logger.
Method Detail


public UnrealId getId()
Retreives a unique ID of the agent in the game.

Note: This ID does not change and can be relied upon during entire match. However, be aware that the ID may change between different matches and/or sessions.

ID of the agent in the game.


public String getName()
Retreives current name of the agent in the game.

Note: The agent may choose and change it's name during a match and it does not need to be unique among players. Even an empty string might be a valid name.

Name of the agent in the game.


public Integer getTeam()
Retreives team number the agent is on.

Team number the player is on.
See Also:
TEAM_RED, TEAM_BLUE, TEAM_GREEN, TEAM_GOLD, TEAM_NONE, isEnemy(int), isEnemy(Player), isFriend(int), isFriend(Player)


public boolean isEnemy(int team)
Tells, whether a given team is an enemy team to the agent.

team - Team number to be tested.
True, if the given team is an enemy team.
See Also:
getTeam(), isFriend(int)


public boolean isEnemy(Player player)
Tells, whether a given player is an enemy to the agent.

player - Player to be tested.
True, if the given player is an enemy.
See Also:
getTeam(), isFriend(Player)


public boolean isFriend(int team)
Tells, whether a given team is a friend team to the agent.

team - Team number to be tested.
True, if the given team is a friend team.
See Also:
getTeam(), isEnemy(int)


public boolean isFriend(Player player)
Tells, whether a given player is a friend to the agent.

player - Player to be tested.
True, if the given player is a friend.
See Also:
getTeam(), isEnemy(Player)


public Location getLocation()
Retreives absolute location of the agent within the map.

Location of the agent within the map.
See Also:
getDistance(Location), Location.getDistance(Location), Location.getDistanceL1(Location), Location.getDistanceLinf(Location), Location.getDistancePlane(Location), Location.getDistanceSquare(Location)


public boolean atLocation(Location location)


public boolean atLocation(Location location,
                          double epsilon)


public Double getDistance(Location location)
Computes crow-fly distance of the agent from given location.

location - Location within the map.
Crow-fly distance of the agent and the location.
See Also:


public Rotation getRotation()
Retreives absolute rotation of the agent within the map.

Rotation of the agent within the map.


public Velocity getVelocity()
Retreives current velocity of the agent as a vector of movement.

Current velocity of the agent in the map.
See Also:


public Boolean isMoving()
Tells, whether the agent is moving. The agent is moving, when his actual velocity is non-zero.

True, if the agent is moving.
See Also:


public Boolean isCrouched()
Tells, whether the agent is crouched. When crouched, the height of the agent is smaller and thus harder to spot/hit.

True, if the agent is crouched.


public Boolean isWalking()
Tells, whether the agent is walking. When walking, the agent does not fall off the edges before notification about such edge can be sent to the agent. The agent's movement is, however, much slower.

True, if the agent is walking.


public Boolean isFacing(ILocated location)
Tells if the agent is currently facing input location.

location - input location.
True, if the bot is facing input location.


public Boolean isFacing(ILocated location,
                        double angle)
Tells if the agent is currently facing input location.

location - input location.
angle - specifies maximum angle (in degrees) that will be still considered as facing angle.
True, if the angle between agent facing vector and input location is smaller or equal to input angle.


public Location getFloorLocation()
Retreives location of the nearest map geometry directly beneath the agent. This can be used to determine how far the agent is above the ground, etc.

Location of the ground beneath the agent.


public Boolean isTouchingGround()
Tells, whether the agent is currently touching the groud with his feets. When not touching ground, the agent might be either jumping, or falling, or hanging from a ledge, or otherwise flying above the ground.

True, if the agent is touching ground with his feets.


public Double getRemainingUDamageTime()
Tells whether the agent has the damage multiplier (UDamage) bonus boost activated and how long will the UDamage boost remain active.

When UDamage is activated, the agent is causing double (or tripple, or even more) damage to other players. The multiplying factor depends on game settings and mutators.

Time remaining for UDamage bonus boost. When this value is positive, the agent has the UDamage bonus boost currently activated. When this value is negative, the agent does not have UDamage activated.
See Also:


public Boolean hasUDamage()
Tells whether the agent has the damage multiplier (UDamage) bonus boost activated.

When UDamage is activated, the agent is causing double (or tripple, or even more) damage to other players. The multiplying factor depends on game settings and mutators.

True, if the agent has damage multiplier bonus action activated.
See Also:


public Integer getHealth()
Tells, how much health the agent has.

The health usually starts at 100, and ranges from 0 to 199. These values, however, can be changed by various mutators.

Current health status.
See Also:
isHealthy(), isSuperHealthy()


public Boolean isHealthy()
Tells, whether the agent is healthy, i.e. not wounded.

True, if the agent has at least standard amount of health.
See Also:
getHealth(), isSuperHealthy()


public Boolean isSuperHealthy()
Tells, whether the agent is healthy to the maximum boostable extent.

True, if the agent has maximum amount of health.
See Also:
getHealth(), isHealthy()


public Integer getArmor()
Tells, how much of combined armor the agent is wearing.

The combined armor usually starts at 0, and ranges from 0 to 150. These values, however, can be changed by various mutators.

Note: The armor consist of two parts, which are summed together into combined armor value. However, each part is powered-up by different item (low armor by small shield; high armor by super-shield).

Current armor status.
See Also:
hasArmor(), getLowArmor(), getHighArmor()


public Boolean hasArmor()
Tells, whether the agent is armored to the maximum extent.

True, if the agent has maximum amount of armor.
See Also:
getArmor(), hasLowArmor(), hasHighArmor()


public Integer getLowArmor()
Tells, how much of low armor the agent is wearing.

The low armor usually starts at 0, and ranges from 0 to 50. These values, however, can be changed by various mutators.

Note: The armor consist of two parts, which are summed together into combined armor value. However, each part is powered-up by different item (low armor by small shield; high armor by super-shield).

Current low armor status.
See Also:
hasLowArmor(), getArmor(), getHighArmor()


public Boolean hasLowArmor()
Tells, whether the agent is armored to the maximum of low-armor extent.

True, if the agent has maximum amount of low-armor.
See Also:
getLowArmor(), hasArmor(), hasHighArmor()


public Integer getHighArmor()
Tells, how much of high armor the agent is wearing.

The high armor usually starts at 0, and ranges from 0 to 100. These values, however, can be changed by various mutators.

Note: The armor consist of two parts, which are summed together into combined armor value. However, each part is powered-up by different item (low armor by small shield; high armor by super-shield).

Current high armor status.
See Also:
hasHighArmor(), getArmor(), getLowArmor()


public Boolean hasHighArmor()
Tells, whether the agent is armored to the maximum of high-armor extent.

True, if the agent has maximum amount of high-armor.
See Also:
getHighArmor(), hasArmor(), hasLowArmor()


public UnrealId getCurrentWeapon()
Retreives UnrealId of the weapon the agent is currently holding. This UnrealId is a unique identifier of weapon from the agent's inventory. Note that this UnrealId is different from UnrealId of item the agent seen or picked up from the ground earlier.

The UnrealId might contains a substring, which identifies the type of the weapon. However, this is not guaranteed by definition. Therefore, you shoud use inventory to retreive the appropriate weapon object, to further retreive correct type of weapon.

UnrealId of the weapon the agent is currently holding in hands.
See Also:
getCurrentAmmo(), getCurrentSecondaryAmmo(), Inventory#getCurrentWeapon(), Inventory#getWeapon(UnrealId)


public Boolean hasWeapon()
Tells whether the bot is holding some weapon or not.

Note that getCurrentWeapon() always returns some id. But there is a special id that marks 'no weapon'



public Integer getCurrentAmmo()
Tells, how much ammunition the agent has left for the current weapon in its primary firing mode.

Amount of ammunition for the primary firing mode.
See Also:
getCurrentSecondaryAmmo(), Inventory#getCurrentPrimaryAmmo()


public Integer getCurrentSecondaryAmmo()
Tells, how much ammunition the agent has left for the current weapon in its alternate (secondary) firing mode. Note that many weapons use primary ammo for the alternate (secondary) firing mode as well. In such cases, the amount of ammo for primary mode is returned.

Amount of ammunition for the secondary firing mode.
See Also:
getCurrentAmmo(), Inventory#getCurrentSecondaryAmmo()


public Boolean isShooting()
Tells, whether the agent is shooting or not.

This method reports shooting with either primary or secondary fire mode. To distinguish between the fire modes, see isPriShooting(), isAltShooting().

Returns true, if the agent is shooting his weapon.
See Also:
isPrimaryShooting(), isSecondaryShooting()


public Boolean isPrimaryShooting()
Tells, whether the agent is shooting with primary fire mode.

This method reports shooting with primary fire mode only. See isAltShooting() method to determine, whether the agent shoots with alternate firing mode. See isShooting() to determine, whether the agent shoots with either primary or alternate firing mode.

True, if the agent is shooting weapon in primary firing mode.
See Also:
isShooting(), isSecondaryShooting()


public Boolean isSecondaryShooting()
Tells, whether the agent is shooting with alternate (secondary) fire mode.

This method reports shooting with alternate (secondary) fire mode only. See isPriShooting() method to determine, whether the agent shoots with primary firing mode. See isShooting() to determine, whether the agent shoots with either primary or alternate (secondary) firing mode.

True, if the agent is shooting his weapon in alternate (secondary) firing mode.
See Also:
isShooting(), isPrimaryShooting()


public int getKills()
Retreives number of kills the agent scored.

A kill is counted, whenever the agent kills an opponent.

Number of kills the agent scored.


public int getDeaths()
Retreives number of deaths the agent took.

A death is counted, whenever the agent dies.

Number of deaths the agent took.


public int getSuicides()
Retreives number of suicides the agent commited.

A suicide is counted, whenever the agent dies by his own weapon, or by damaging himself by falling into pits, lava, acid, etc.

It can also be said that suicide is every agent's death, which could not be credited to any other player in the map.

Each suicide is also counted as death. See getDeaths().

Number of suicides the agent commited.


public int getScore()
Retreives current agent score.

Agent score is usually rising by achieving some goals, e.g. killing opponents, capturing flags, controlling domination points, etc. Note: Agent score might decrease upon suicides, based on map, game type and game settings.

Current agent score.


public int getTeamScore()
Retreives current agent's team score.

Agent's team score is usually rising by achieving team goals, e.g. killing opponents, capturing flags, controlling domination points, etc. Note: Agent's team score might decrease, when oposing teams score points themselves, based on map, game type and game settings.

Current agent's team score.


public Velocity getCurrentZoneVelocity()
Pulling velocity in this map zone. Such pulling velocity effectively draws the player towards a specific direction or even lifts him upwards.

Pulling velocity in this zone.


public Velocity getCurrentZoneGravity()
Gravity in this map zone. Gravity might differ throughout different parts of the map. The gravity is expressed as a velocity vector. This vector is used an acceleration. The fall speed may ramp up, to as much as getFallSpeed().

Gravity in this zone.


public Double getCurrentVolumeGroundFriction()
Friction of the floor in this map volume. Friction of the floor works towards movement, slowing down the acceleration and speed of the agent in any direction.

Friction of the floor.


public Double getCurrentVolumeFluidFriction()
Friction of the fluid in this map volume. Friction of the fluid works towards movement, slowing down the acceleration and speed of the agent in any direction.

Friction of the fluid.


public Double _getCurrentVolumeTerminalVelocity()
FIXME[js]: What the hell is this good for?

TerminalVelocity of the CurrentVolume.


public Boolean isCurrentVolumeWater()
Tells, whether the current volume is water. When the agent is in water, getCurrentVolumeFluidFriction() and getWaterSpeed() can help to determine changes to movement and speed of the agent. Also note that getCurrentZoneVelocity(), getCurrentZoneGravity(), and others may change (and usually does) in water.

True, if the current volume is water.


public Boolean isCurrentVolumePainCausing()
Tells, whether the current volume is causing damage. Such damage is applied to the agent's health every second. The amount of damage taken per each second spent in this volume can be determined by getCurrentVolumeDamagePerSec(). When the volume damages the agent to the death, the death is counted as a suicide.

True, if the current volume is causing damage.
See Also:
isCurrentVolumeDestructive(), getCurrentVolumeDamagePerSec()


public Double getCurrentVolumeDamagePerSec()
Amount of damage taken for spending time in the current volume. Such damage is applied to the agent's health every second. When the volume damages the agent to the death, the death is counted as a suicide.

Amount of damage taken for spending time in the current volume.
See Also:


public Boolean isCurrentVolumeDestructive()
Tells, whether the current volume kills the actors (almost) instantly. Death in such destructive volume is counted as a suicide.

True, if the current volume kills (almost) instantly.
See Also:


public String getCurrentVolumeDamageType()
Retreives type of damage the current volume inflicts to the agent while he spends time in this volume.

FIXME[js]: Is is possible to provide an enum here?

Type of the damage the current volume inflicts to the agent.


public Boolean isCurrentVolumeBanningInventory()
Tells, whether the current volume (the one the agent is within) forbids usage of the inventory. If so, no weapons or items can be used, changed, or picked up.

True, if the current volume forbids usage of the inventory.


public Boolean isCurrentVolumeAffectingProjectiles()
Tells, whether the current volume imparts its velocity to projectiles. E.g. A volume might impart velocity to players to emulate wind. This settings tells, whether the same applies to projectiles. If so, Their trajectory will be affected by this volume velocity.

True, if the current volume imparts its velocity to projectiles.


public Boolean isCurrentZoneNeutral()
Tells, whether the current zone is a neutral zone. In neutral zone, players can't take damage.

True, if the current zone is a neutral zone.


public Double getDamageScaling()
Retreives scaling factor for damage dealt by the agent. All damage dealt by the agent is reduced (or increased) by this value.

Scaling factor for damage dealt by the agent.


public Double getBaseSpeed()
Retreives maximum base speed of the agent.

Maximum base speed of the agent.


public Double getAirSpeed()
Retreives maximum speed of the agent while moving in the air.

Maximum speed of the agent while moving in the air.


public Double getLadderSpeed()
Retreives maximum speed of the agent while moving on a ladder.

Maximum speed of the agent while moving on a ladder.


public Double getWaterSpeed()
Retreives maximum speed of the agent while moving in water.

Maximum speed of the agent while moving in water.


public Double getFallSpeed()
Retreives maximum speed of the agent while falling.

Maximum speed of the agent while falling.


public Double getDodgeSpeedFactor()
Retreives maximum speed of the agent while using dodge.

FIXME[js]: Check about the name depending on the meaning/value.

Maximum speed of the agent while using dodge.


public Double getAccelerationRate()
Retreives acceleration rate of the agent.

Acceleration rate of the agent.


public Double getAirControl()
Retreives agent's control of movement while in the air. This value ranges from 0 (none) to 1 (full control).

Agent's control of movement while in the air.


public Double getJumpZBoost()
Retreives boost of the agent in the Z axis while jumping.

Jumping boost of the agent in the Z axis.


public Double getDodgeZBoost()
Retreives boost of the agent in the Z axis while using dodge.

Dodge boost of the agent in the Z axis.


public double getTime()
Retreives current game time, since the game started.

Current game timestamp.


public ConfigChange getConfig()
Retrieves the configuration of the bot inside UT2004.

Configuration of the bot.


public NavPoint getNearestNavPoint()
Retrieves nearest known navpoint to current agent location.

WARNING: O(n) complexity.

nearest navpoint


public NavPoint getNearestVisibleNavPoint()
Retrieves nearest visible navpoint to current agent location.

WARNING: O(n) complexity.

nearest visible navpoint


public Item getNearestItem()
Retrieves nearest known item to current agent location.

WARNING: O(n) complexity.

nearest item


public Item getNearestVisibleItem()
Retrieves nearest visible item to current agent location.

WARNING: O(n) complexity.

nearest visible item


public Player getNearestPlayer()
Retrieves nearest known player to current agent location.

WARNING: O(n) complexity.

nearest player


public Player getNearestVisiblePlayer()
Retrieves nearest visible player to current agent location.

WARNING: O(n) complexity.

nearest visible player


public Self getSelf()


protected void start(boolean startPaused)
Provides initialization of the module (clearing internal data structures). Called automatically during the agent starting sequence.

start in class AgentModule<UDKBot>

Copyright © 2014 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.