Uses of Class

Packages that use ForcePoint

Uses of ForcePoint in SteeringProperties

Methods in SteeringProperties that return ForcePoint
 ForcePoint Force_packet.getHigherFP(double distance)
          Gets the ForcePoint, which's distance is the nearest smaller (or equal) than the distance of the coord.
 ForcePoint Force_packet.getInifinityPoint()
          Returns some ForcePoint with very distant distance.
 ForcePoint Force_packet.getInifinityPoint(ForcePoint fp1, ForcePoint fp2)
          Returns some ForcePoint with very distant distance - uses the two last ForcePoints of the list.
 ForcePoint Force_packet.getLowerFP(double distance)
          Gets the ForcePoint, which's distance is the nearest smaller (or equal) than the distance of the coord.

Methods in SteeringProperties that return types with arguments of type ForcePoint
 LinkedList<ForcePoint> Force_packet.getForcePoints()

Methods in SteeringProperties with parameters of type ForcePoint
 void Force_packet.addForcePoint(ForcePoint forcePoint)
          Adds the forcePoint after the fp with the nearest but smaller (or same) distance.
 void Force_packet.deleteForcePoint(ForcePoint forcePoint)
          Deletes the force point - if it's not the first force point.
 ForcePoint Force_packet.getInifinityPoint(ForcePoint fp1, ForcePoint fp2)
          Returns some ForcePoint with very distant distance - uses the two last ForcePoints of the list.

Constructors in SteeringProperties with parameters of type ForcePoint
ForcePoint(ForcePoint fPoint)

Constructor parameters in SteeringProperties with type arguments of type ForcePoint
Force_packet(LinkedList<ForcePoint> forcePoints)

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