Uses of Class

Packages that use Point2D
math.geom2d Planar geometry toolbox. 
math.geom2d.circulinear Definition of circulinear shapes and some implementations. 
math.geom2d.conic Definition of various conic curves like circles, ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas, and their resepctive arcs. 
math.geom2d.curve Curves interface hierarchy, and implementations of curve sets and various poly-curves. 
math.geom2d.domain Curves interface hierarchy, and implementations of curve sets and various poly-curves. 
math.geom2d.grid Infinite grids with various geometries. 
math.geom2d.line Implementations of 'linear shapes', i.e. curves which can be embedded into a straight lines, like straight lines, line segments, or rays
math.geom2d.point Data structures for point sets. 
math.geom2d.polygon Definitions and implementations of shapes composed several line segments: polylines, rings, polygons. 
math.geom2d.polygon.convhull Convex hull computation. 
math.geom2d.spline Bezier curves, and more generally polynomial curves. 
math.geom2d.transform Contains interface hierarchy for planar transforms, and implementations for specialized transforms. 
math.geom3d.plane Spatial geometry toolbox. 

Uses of Point2D in math.geom2d

Fields in math.geom2d declared as Point2D
static Point2D Point2D.INFINITY_POINT
          Deprecated. it is recommended to use exceptions instead (0.7.0)
protected  Point2D ColinearPointsException.p1
protected  Point2D ColinearPointsException.p2
protected  Point2D ColinearPointsException.p3

Methods in math.geom2d that return Point2D
static Point2D Point2D.centroid(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)
          Computes the centroid, or center of mass, of a collection of points.
static Point2D Point2D.centroid(Point2D[] points)
          Computes the centroid, or center of mass, of an array of points.
static Point2D Point2D.centroid(Point2D[] points, double[] weights)
          Computes the weighted centroid, or center of mass, of an array of points.
static Point2D Point2D.centroid(Point2D pt1, Point2D pt2, Point2D pt3)
          Compute the centroid of three points.
 Point2D Point2D.clone()
          Creates a new Point2D object with same coordinates.
static Point2D Point2D.create(double x, double y)
          Static factory for creating a new point in cartesian coordinates.
static Point2D Point2D.create(Point2D point)
          Static factory for creating a new point from an existing instance of java point.
static Point2D Point2D.createPolar(double rho, double theta)
          Creates a new point from polar coordinates rho and theta.
static Point2D Point2D.createPolar(double x0, double y0, double rho, double theta)
          Creates a new point from polar coordinates rho and theta, from the position (x0,y0).
static Point2D Point2D.createPolar(Point2D point, double rho, double theta)
          Creates a new point from polar coordinates rho and theta, from the given point.
 Point2D ColinearPointsException.getP1()
 Point2D ColinearPointsException.getP2()
 Point2D ColinearPointsException.getP3()
static Point2D Point2D.midPoint(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
 Point2D Point2D.minus(Point2D p)
 Point2D p)
 Point2D Point2D.rotate(double theta)
          Rotates the point by a given angle around the origin.
 Point2D Point2D.rotate(Point2D center, double theta)
          Rotates the point by a given angle around an arbitrary center.
 Point2D Point2D.scale(double k)
          Returns the new point scaled by the same amount in each direction.
 Point2D Point2D.scale(double kx, double ky)
          Returns the new point scaled by amount given in each direction.
 Point2D Point2D.transform(AffineTransform2D trans)
          Returns the transformed point.
 Point2D Point2D.transform(CircleInversion2D inv)
 Point2D AffineTransform2D.transform(Point2D src)
 Point2D[] AffineTransform2D.transform(Point2D[] src, Point2D[] dst)
 Point2D AffineTransform2D.transform(Point2D src, Point2D dst)
          Deprecated. use point.transform() instead. (0.7.0)
 Point2D Point2D.translate(double tx, double ty)
          Returns the new point translated by amount given in each direction.

Methods in math.geom2d that return types with arguments of type Point2D
 Collection<Point2D> Point2D.getPoints()
 Collection<Point2D> Box2D.getVertices()
 Iterator<Point2D> Point2D.iterator()

Methods in math.geom2d with parameters of type Point2D
static int Point2D.ccw(Point2D p0, Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
          Computes the orientation of the 3 points: returns +1 is the path P0->P1->P2 turns Counter-Clockwise, -1 if the path turns Clockwise, and 0 if the point P2 is located on the line segment [P0 P1].
static Vector2D Vector2D.create(Point2D point)
          Static factory for creating a new vector from the coordinate of a point.
static Box2D Box2D.create(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
static AffineTransform2D AffineTransform2D.createHomothecy(Point2D center, double k)
static AffineTransform2D AffineTransform2D.createPointReflection(Point2D center)
          Return a point reflection centered on a point.
static Point2D Point2D.createPolar(Point2D point, double rho, double theta)
          Creates a new point from polar coordinates rho and theta, from the given point.
static AffineTransform2D AffineTransform2D.createRotation(Point2D center, double angle)
          Return a rotation around the specified point, with angle in radians.
static AffineTransform2D AffineTransform2D.createScaling(Point2D center, double sx, double sy)
          Return a scaling by the given coefficients, centered on the given point.
 Point2D Point2D.rotate(Point2D center, double theta)
          Rotates the point by a given angle around an arbitrary center.
 Point2D[] AffineTransform2D.transform(Point2D[] src, Point2D[] dst)
 Point2D AffineTransform2D.transform(Point2D src, Point2D dst)
          Deprecated. use point.transform() instead. (0.7.0)

Method parameters in math.geom2d with type arguments of type Point2D
static Point2D Point2D.centroid(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)
          Computes the centroid, or center of mass, of a collection of points.

Constructors in math.geom2d with parameters of type Point2D
Box2D(Point2D point, double w, double h)
          Constructor from a point, a width and an height
Box2D(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
          Constructor from 2 points, giving extreme coordinates of the box.
ColinearPointsException(Point2D p1, Point2D p2, Point2D p3)

Uses of Point2D in math.geom2d.circulinear

Methods in math.geom2d.circulinear that return types with arguments of type Point2D
static Collection<Point2D> CirculinearCurve2DUtils.findIntersections(CirculinearCurve2D curve1, CirculinearCurve2D curve2)
static Collection<Point2D> CirculinearCurve2DUtils.findIntersections(CirculinearElement2D elem1, CirculinearElement2D elem2)
          Compute the intersections, if they exist, of two circulinear elements.
static Collection<Point2D> CirculinearCurve2DUtils.findSelfIntersections(CirculinearCurve2D curve)
          Compute intersection point of a single curve, by iterating on pair of Circulinear elements composing the curve.

Method parameters in math.geom2d.circulinear with type arguments of type Point2D
static double CirculinearCurve2DUtils.getDistanceCurvePoints(CirculinearCurve2D curve, Collection<? extends Point2D> points)

Uses of Point2D in math.geom2d.conic

Methods in math.geom2d.conic that return Point2D
 Point2D Hyperbola2D.getCenter()
          Returns the center of the Hyperbola.
 Point2D Ellipse2D.getCenter()
          Returns center of the ellipse.
 Point2D Ellipse2D.getFirstPoint()
          Get the first point of the ellipse, which is the same as the last point.
 Point2D Circle2D.getFirstPoint()
          Get the first point of the circle, which is the same as the last point.
 Point2D Parabola2D.getFocus()
          Returns the focus of the parabola.
 Point2D Hyperbola2D.getFocus1()
          Returns the focus located on the positive side of the main hyperbola axis.
 Point2D Ellipse2D.getFocus1()
          Return the first focus.
 Point2D Circle2D.getFocus1()
          Return the first focus, which for a circle is the same point as the center.
 Point2D Hyperbola2D.getFocus2()
          Returns the focus located on the negative side of the main hyperbola axis.
 Point2D Ellipse2D.getFocus2()
          Returns the second focus.
 Point2D Circle2D.getFocus2()
          Return the second focus, which for a circle is the same point as the center.
 Point2D Ellipse2D.getLastPoint()
          Get the last point of the ellipse, which is the same as the first point.
 Point2D Circle2D.getLastPoint()
          Get the last point of the circle, which is the same as the first point.
 Point2D ParabolaArc2D.getPoint(double t)
 Point2D Parabola2D.getPoint(double t)
 Point2D HyperbolaBranchArc2D.getPoint(double t)
          If t0 equals minus infinity, throws an UnboundedShapeException.
 Point2D HyperbolaBranch2D.getPoint(double t)
 Point2D EllipseArc2D.getPoint(double t)
 Point2D Ellipse2D.getPoint(double t)
          get the position of the curve from internal parametric representation, depending on the parameter t.
 Point2D CircleArc2D.getPoint(double t)
          Returns the position of a point form the curvilinear position.
 Point2D Circle2D.getPoint(double t)
          Get the position of the curve from internal parametric representation, depending on the parameter t.
 Point2D Ellipse2D.getProjectedPoint(Point2D point)
 Point2D Parabola2D.getVertex()
 Point2D Hyperbola2D.toGlobal(Point2D point)
          transform a point in local coordinate (ie orthogonal centered hyberbola with a=b=1) to global coordinate system.
 Point2D Hyperbola2D.toLocal(Point2D point)

Methods in math.geom2d.conic that return types with arguments of type Point2D
static Collection<Point2D> Circle2D.getIntersections(Circle2D circle1, Circle2D circle2)
static Collection<Point2D> Circle2D.getIntersections(CircularShape2D circle, LinearShape2D line)
          Compute intersections of a circle with a line.
 Collection<Point2D> ParabolaArc2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
 Collection<Point2D> Parabola2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
 Collection<Point2D> HyperbolaBranchArc2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
 Collection<Point2D> HyperbolaBranch2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
 Collection<Point2D> Hyperbola2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
 Collection<Point2D> EllipseArc2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
 Collection<Point2D> Ellipse2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
          Compute intersections of the ellipse with a straight object (line, line segment, ray...).
 Collection<Point2D> CircleArc2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
          Compute intersections of the circle arc with a line.
 Collection<Point2D> Circle2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
          Compute intersections of the circle with a line.

Methods in math.geom2d.conic with parameters of type Point2D
static Circle2D Circle2D.create(Point2D center, double radius)
          Creates a circle from a center and a radius.
static Ellipse2D Ellipse2D.create(Point2D center, double l1, double l2)
          Main constructor: define center by a point plus major and minor semi axis
static Hyperbola2D Hyperbola2D.create(Point2D center, double a, double b, double theta)
static Ellipse2D Ellipse2D.create(Point2D center, double l1, double l2, double theta)
          Define center by point, major and minor semi axis lengths, and orientation angle.
static CircleArc2D CircleArc2D.create(Point2D center, double radius, double startAngle, double angleExtent)
static Hyperbola2D Hyperbola2D.create(Point2D center, double a, double b, double theta, boolean d)
static Ellipse2D Ellipse2D.create(Point2D center, double l1, double l2, double theta, boolean direct)
          Define center by point, major and minor semi axis lengths, orientation angle, and boolean flag for direct ellipse.
static CircleArc2D CircleArc2D.create(Point2D center, double radius, double startAngle, double endAngle, boolean direct)
static Parabola2D Parabola2D.create(Point2D vertex, Point2D focus)
          Creates a parabola by supplying the vertex and the focus.
static Ellipse2D Ellipse2D.create(Point2D focus1, Point2D focus2, double chord)
          Create a new Ellipse by specifying the two focii, and the length of the chord.
static Circle2D Circle2D.create(Point2D p1, Point2D p2, Point2D p3)
          Creates a circle containing 3 points.
 void CircleArc2D.setArc(Point2D center, double radius, double start, double extent)
          Deprecated. conics will become imutable in a future release
 void Ellipse2D.setCenter(Point2D center)
          Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release
 void CircleArc2D.setCenter(Point2D point)
          Deprecated. conics will become imutable in a future release
 void Circle2D.setCircle(Point2D center, double r)
          Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release
 void Ellipse2D.setEllipse(Point2D center, double r1, double r2, double theta)
          Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release
 void Ellipse2D.setEllipse(Point2D center, double r1, double r2, double theta, boolean direct)
          Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release
 Point2D Hyperbola2D.toGlobal(Point2D point)
          transform a point in local coordinate (ie orthogonal centered hyberbola with a=b=1) to global coordinate system.
 Point2D Hyperbola2D.toLocal(Point2D point)

Constructors in math.geom2d.conic with parameters of type Point2D
Circle2D(Point2D center, double radius)
          Create a new circle with specified point center and radius
Circle2D(Point2D center, double radius, boolean direct)
          Create a new circle with specified center, radius and orientation
CircleArc2D(Point2D center, double radius, double startAngle, double angleExtent)
          Create a new circle arc with specified point center and radius
CircleArc2D(Point2D center, double radius, double start, double end, boolean direct)
          Create a new circle arc with specified point center and radius, start and end angles, and by specifying whether arc is direct or not.
Ellipse2D(Point2D center, double l1, double l2)
          Main constructor: define center by a point plus major and minor semi axis
Ellipse2D(Point2D center, double l1, double l2, double theta)
          Define center by point, major and minor semi axis lengths, and orientation angle.
Hyperbola2D(Point2D center, double a, double b, double theta)
Hyperbola2D(Point2D center, double a, double b, double theta, boolean d)
Parabola2D(Point2D vertex, double a, double theta)

Uses of Point2D in math.geom2d.curve

Methods in math.geom2d.curve that return Point2D
 Point2D GeneralPath2D.getCurrentPoint()
          Returns the coordinates most recently added to the end of the path as a Point2D object.
 Point2D CurveSet2D.getFirstPoint()
          Get the first point of the curve.
 Point2D CurveArray2D.getFirstPoint()
          Get the first point of the curve.
 Point2D Curve2D.getFirstPoint()
          Get the first point of the curve.
 Point2D AbstractContinuousCurve2D.getFirstPoint()
 Point2D CurveSet2D.getLastPoint()
          Get the last point of the curve.
 Point2D CurveArray2D.getLastPoint()
          Get the last point of the curve.
 Point2D Curve2D.getLastPoint()
          Get the last point of the curve.
 Point2D AbstractContinuousCurve2D.getLastPoint()
 Point2D CurveSet2D.getPoint(double t)
 Point2D CurveArray2D.getPoint(double t)
 Point2D Curve2D.getPoint(double t)
          Gets the point from a parametric representation of the curve.

Methods in math.geom2d.curve that return types with arguments of type Point2D
 Collection<Point2D> CurveSet2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
 Collection<Point2D> CurveArray2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
 Collection<Point2D> Curve2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
          Returns the intersection points of the curve with the specified line.
 Collection<Point2D> CurveSet2D.getSingularPoints()
          Computes the set of singular points as the set of singular points of each curve, plus the extremities of each curve.
 Collection<Point2D> CurveArray2D.getSingularPoints()
          Computes the set of singular points as the set of singular points of each curve, plus the extremities of each curve.
 Collection<Point2D> Curve2D.getSingularPoints()
          Returns a set of singular points, i. e. which do not locally admit derivative.
 Collection<Point2D> AbstractSmoothCurve2D.getSingularPoints()
          Returns an empty set of Point2D, as a smooth curve does not have singular points by definition.

Uses of Point2D in math.geom2d.domain

Methods in math.geom2d.domain with parameters of type Point2D
static Polyline2D Boundary2DUtils.getBoundaryPortion(Box2D box, Point2D p0, Point2D p1)
          Extracts a portion of the boundary of a bounded box.

Uses of Point2D in math.geom2d.grid

Methods in math.geom2d.grid that return Point2D
 Point2D TriangleGrid2D.getClosestVertex(Point2D point)
 Point2D SquareGrid2D.getClosestVertex(Point2D point)
 Point2D Grid2D.getClosestVertex(Point2D point)
 Point2D TriangleGrid2D.getOrigin()
 Point2D SquareGrid2D.getOrigin()
 Point2D Grid2D.getOrigin()

Methods in math.geom2d.grid with parameters of type Point2D
 void TriangleGrid2D.setOrigin(Point2D point)
          Deprecated. grids are supposed to be immutable (0.8.0)
 void SquareGrid2D.setOrigin(Point2D point)
          Deprecated. grids are supposed to be immutable (0.8.0)

Constructors in math.geom2d.grid with parameters of type Point2D
TriangleGrid2D(Point2D point)
          Assumes unit grid.
TriangleGrid2D(Point2D point, double s)
TriangleGrid2D(Point2D point, double s, double theta)

Uses of Point2D in math.geom2d.line

Fields in math.geom2d.line declared as Point2D
 Point2D Line2D.p1
          The origin point.
 Point2D Line2D.p2
          The destination point.

Fields in math.geom2d.line with type parameters of type Point2D
protected  ArrayList<Point2D> Polyline2D.points

Methods in math.geom2d.line that return Point2D
 Point2D StraightLine2D.getFirstPoint()
          Throws an infiniteShapeException
 Point2D Ray2D.getFirstPoint()
 Point2D LineSegment2D.getFirstPoint()
          Return the first point of the edge.
 Point2D LineArc2D.getFirstPoint()
          Return the first point of the edge.
 Point2D Line2D.getFirstPoint()
          Get the first point of the curve.
static Point2D AbstractLine2D.getIntersection(AbstractLine2D l1, AbstractLine2D l2)
          Returns the unique intersection of two straight objects.
 Point2D LinearShape2D.getIntersection(LinearShape2D line)
          Returns the unique intersection with a linear shape.
 Point2D Line2D.getIntersection(LinearShape2D line)
 Point2D AbstractLine2D.getIntersection(LinearShape2D line)
          Returns the unique intersection with a linear shape.
static Point2D StraightLine2D.getIntersection(Point2D p1, Point2D p2, Point2D p3, Point2D p4)
          Compute the intersection point of the two (infinite) lines going through p1 and p2 for the first one, and p3 and p4 for the second one.
 Point2D StraightLine2D.getLastPoint()
          Throws an infiniteShapeException
 Point2D LineSegment2D.getLastPoint()
          Return the last point of the edge.
 Point2D LineArc2D.getLastPoint()
          Return the last point of the edge.
 Point2D Line2D.getLastPoint()
          Get the last point of the curve.
 Point2D LinearShape2D.getOrigin()
          Returns a point in the linear shape.
 Point2D Line2D.getOrigin()
 Point2D AbstractLine2D.getOrigin()
 Point2D LineSegment2D.getOtherPoint(Point2D point)
          Return the opposite vertex of the edge.
 Point2D Line2D.getOtherPoint(Point2D point)
          Return the opposite vertex of the edge.
 Point2D StraightLine2D.getPoint(double t)
          Gets the point specified with the parametric representation of the line.
 Point2D Ray2D.getPoint(double t)
 Point2D LineSegment2D.getPoint(double t)
 Point2D LineArc2D.getPoint(double t)
 Point2D Line2D.getPoint(double t)
 Point2D InvertedRay2D.getPoint(double t)
 Point2D LineArc2D.getPoint1()
          Return the first point of the line arc.
 Point2D Line2D.getPoint1()
          Return the first point of the edge.
 Point2D LineArc2D.getPoint2()
          Return the last point of the line arc.
 Point2D Line2D.getPoint2()
          Return the last point of the edge.
 Point2D AbstractLine2D.getProjectedPoint(double x, double y)
          Return the projection of point p on the line.
 Point2D AbstractLine2D.getProjectedPoint(Point2D p)
          Return the projection of point p on the line.
 Point2D AbstractLine2D.getSymmetric(double x, double y)
          Return the symmetric of point with coordinate (x, y) relative to this straight line.
 Point2D AbstractLine2D.getSymmetric(Point2D p)
          Return the symmetric of point p relative to this straight line.

Methods in math.geom2d.line that return types with arguments of type Point2D
 Collection<Point2D> Line2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
 Collection<Point2D> AbstractLine2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
 Collection<Point2D> StraightLine2D.getSingularPoints()
          Returns an empty list of points.
 Collection<Point2D> LineArc2D.getSingularPoints()

Methods in math.geom2d.line with parameters of type Point2D
static Ray2D Ray2D.create(Point2D origin, Point2D target)
          Static factory for creating a new ray, originating from origin<\code>, and going in the direction of target<\code>.
static LineSegment2D LineSegment2D.create(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
          Static factory for creating a new line segment between two points.
static Line2D Line2D.create(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
          Static factory for creating a new Line2D, starting from p1 and finishing at p2.
 LineArc2D LineArc2D.create(Point2D p1, Point2D p2, double t0, double t1)
          Static factory for creating a new LineArc2D
static Ray2D Ray2D.create(Point2D origin, Vector2D direction)
          Static factory for creating a new ray.
static InvertedRay2D InvertedRay2D.create(Point2D target, Vector2D direction)
          Static factory for creating a new inverted ray with given direction to target.
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.createOrthogonalLine2D(LinearShape2D linear, Point2D point)
          Deprecated. since 0.6.3, use createPerpendicular instead
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.createPerpendicular(LinearShape2D linear, Point2D point)
          Return a new Straight line, perpendicular to a straight object (ray, straight line or edge), and going through the given point.
 Point2D LineSegment2D.getOtherPoint(Point2D point)
          Return the opposite vertex of the edge.
 Point2D Line2D.getOtherPoint(Point2D point)
          Return the opposite vertex of the edge.
 StraightLine2D Line2D.getParallel(Point2D point)
          Create a straight line parallel to this object, and going through the given point.
 StraightLine2D AbstractLine2D.getParallel(Point2D point)
          Create a straight line parallel to this object, and going through the given point.
 StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.getPerpendicular(Point2D point)
          Return a new Straight line, parallel to another straigth object (ray, straight line or edge), and going through the given point.
 StraightLine2D Line2D.getPerpendicular(Point2D point)
          Create a straight line perpendicular to this object, and going through the given point.
 StraightLine2D AbstractLine2D.getPerpendicular(Point2D point)
          Create a straight line perpendicular to this object, and going through the given point.
 Point2D AbstractLine2D.getProjectedPoint(Point2D p)
          Return the projection of point p on the line.
 Point2D AbstractLine2D.getSymmetric(Point2D p)
          Return the symmetric of point p relative to this straight line.
 void LineSegment2D.setLineSegment(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
          Deprecated. lines will become immutable in a future release
 void Line2D.setPoint1(Point2D point)
 void Line2D.setPoint2(Point2D point)
 void Ray2D.setRay(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
          Deprecated. lines will become immutable in a future release
 void InvertedRay2D.setRay(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
          Deprecated. lines will become immutable in a future release
 void Ray2D.setRay(Point2D point, Vector2D vect)
          Deprecated. lines will become immutable in a future release
 void InvertedRay2D.setRay(Point2D point, Vector2D vect)
          Deprecated. lines will become immutable in a future release

Constructors in math.geom2d.line with parameters of type Point2D
AbstractLine2D(Point2D point, Vector2D vector)
ClosedPolyline2D(Point2D initialPoint)
ClosedPolyline2D(Point2D[] points)
InvertedRay2D(Point2D point, double angle)
          Creates a new Ray2D, originating from point point<\code>, and going in the direction specified by angle<\code> (in radians).
InvertedRay2D(Point2D point, double dx, double dy)
          Creates a new Ray2D, originating from point point<\code>, and going in the direction defined by vector (dx,dy)<\code>.
InvertedRay2D(Point2D point1, Point2D point2)
          Creates a new Ray2D, originating from point1<\code>, and going in the direction of point2<\code>.
InvertedRay2D(Point2D point, Vector2D vector)
          Creates a new Ray2D, originating from point point<\code>, and going in the direction specified by vector<\code>.
Line2D(Point2D point1, Point2D point2)
          Define a new Line2D with two extremities.
LineArc2D(Point2D point1, Point2D point2, double t0, double t1)
LineObject2D(Point2D point1, Point2D point2)
          Deprecated. Define a new LineObject2D with two extremities.
Polyline2D(Point2D initialPoint)
Polyline2D(Point2D[] points)
Ray2D(Point2D point, double angle)
          Creates a new Ray2D, originating from point point<\code>, and going in the direction specified by angle<\code> (in radians).
Ray2D(Point2D point, double dx, double dy)
          Creates a new Ray2D, originating from point point<\code>, and going in the direction defined by vector (dx,dy)<\code>.
Ray2D(Point2D point1, Point2D point2)
          Creates a new Ray2D, originating from point1<\code>, and going in the direction of point2<\code>.
Ray2D(Point2D point, Vector2D vector)
          Creates a new Ray2D, originating from point point<\code>, and going in the direction specified by vector<\code>.

Constructor parameters in math.geom2d.line with type arguments of type Point2D
ClosedPolyline2D(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)
Polyline2D(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)

Uses of Point2D in math.geom2d.point

Fields in math.geom2d.point with type parameters of type Point2D
protected  ArrayList<Point2D> PointArray2D.points
          The inner collection of points composing the set.

Methods in math.geom2d.point that return Point2D
 Point2D KDTree2D.Node.getPoint()
 Point2D KDTree2D.nearestNeighbor(Point2D point)

Methods in math.geom2d.point that return types with arguments of type Point2D
 Collection<Point2D> PointShape2D.getPoints()
          Returns the points in the shape as a collection.
 Collection<Point2D> PointSet2D.getPoints()
          Returns an iterator on the internal point collection.
 Collection<Point2D> PointArray2D.getPoints()
          return an iterator on the internal point collection.
 Iterator<Point2D> PointArray2D.iterator()
 Collection<Point2D> KDTree2D.rangeSearch(Box2D range)

Methods in math.geom2d.point with parameters of type Point2D
 void KDTree2D.add(Point2D point)
 boolean KDTree2D.contains(Point2D value)
static PointSet2D PointArray2D.create(Point2D[] points)
 KDTree2D.Node KDTree2D.getNode(Point2D point)
 Point2D KDTree2D.nearestNeighbor(Point2D point)

Method parameters in math.geom2d.point with type arguments of type Point2D
 void PointSet2D.addPoints(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)
          Add a series of points
 void PointArray2D.addPoints(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)

Constructors in math.geom2d.point with parameters of type Point2D
KDTree2D.Node(Point2D point)
KDTree2D.Node(Point2D point, KDTree2D.Node left, KDTree2D.Node right)

Constructor parameters in math.geom2d.point with type arguments of type Point2D
KDTree2D(ArrayList<Point2D> points)

Uses of Point2D in math.geom2d.polygon

Fields in math.geom2d.polygon with type parameters of type Point2D
protected  ArrayList<Point2D> SimplePolygon2D.points
          The inner ordered list of vertices.
protected  ArrayList<Point2D> Polyline2D.points

Methods in math.geom2d.polygon that return Point2D
 Point2D SimplePolygon2D.getCentroid()
          Computes the centroid (center of mass) of the polygon.
 Point2D Polyline2D.getFirstPoint()
 Point2D LinearRing2D.getFirstPoint()
          return the first point of the polyline.
 Point2D Polyline2D.getLastPoint()
          if polyline is closed, return the first point.
 Point2D LinearRing2D.getLastPoint()
          return the first point, as this is the same as the last point.
 Point2D Polyline2D.getPoint(double t)
 Point2D LinearRing2D.getPoint(double t)
          Returns point from position as double.
 Point2D[] Polyline2D.getPointArray()
          Return the collection of points as an array of Point2D.
 Point2D SimplePolygon2D.getVertex(int i)
          Returns the i-th vertex of the polygon.
 Point2D Rectangle2D.getVertex(int i)
          Returns the i-th vertex of the polygon.
 Point2D Polyline2D.getVertex(int i)
          Returns the i-th vertex of the polyline.
 Point2D Polygon2D.getVertex(int i)
          Returns the i-th vertex of the polygon.
 Point2D MultiPolygon2D.getVertex(int i)
          Returns the i-th vertex of the polygon.
 Point2D HRectangle2D.getVertex(int i)
          Returns the i-th vertex of the polygon.

Methods in math.geom2d.polygon that return types with arguments of type Point2D
 Collection<Point2D> Polyline2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
 Iterator<Point2D> Polyline2D.getPointsIterator()
          Return an iterator on the collection of points.
 Collection<Point2D> Polyline2D.getSingularPoints()
 Collection<Point2D> SimplePolygon2D.getVertices()
          Returns the points of the polygon.
 Collection<Point2D> Rectangle2D.getVertices()
          Returns the vertices of the rectangle as a collection of points.
 Collection<Point2D> Polyline2D.getVertices()
          Returns the vertices of the polyline.
 Collection<Point2D> Polygon2D.getVertices()
          Returns the vertices (singular points) of the polygon
 Collection<Point2D> MultiPolygon2D.getVertices()
 Collection<Point2D> HRectangle2D.getVertices()
static Collection<Point2D> Polyline2DUtils.intersect(Polyline2D poly1, Polyline2D poly2)
          Return all intersection points between the 2 polylines.

Methods in math.geom2d.polygon with parameters of type Point2D
 void SimplePolygon2D.addPoint(Point2D point)
          Deprecated. replaced by addVertex() (0.7.1)
 void Polyline2D.addPoint(Point2D point)
 void SimplePolygon2D.addVertex(Point2D point)
          Adds a point as the last vertex.
static SimplePolygon2D SimplePolygon2D.create(Point2D[] points)
          Static factory for creating a new SimplePolygon2D from an array of points.
static Polyline2D Polyline2D.create(Point2D[] points)
          Static factory for creating a new Polyline2D from an array of points.
static LinearRing2D LinearRing2D.create(Point2D[] points)
          Static factory for creating a new LinearRing2D from an array of points.
 void SimplePolygon2D.removePoint(Point2D point)
          Deprecated. replaced by removeVertex() (0.7.1)
 void Polyline2D.removePoint(Point2D point)
 void SimplePolygon2D.removeVertex(Point2D point)
          Removes a vertex of the polygon.
 void SimplePolygon2D.setVertex(int index, Point2D position)
          Changes the position of the i-th vertex.

Method parameters in math.geom2d.polygon with type arguments of type Point2D
static SimplePolygon2D SimplePolygon2D.create(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)
          Static factory for creating a new SimplePolygon2D from a collection of points.
static Polyline2D Polyline2D.create(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)
          Static factory for creating a new Polyline2D from a collection of points.
static LinearRing2D LinearRing2D.create(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)
          Static factory for creating a new LinearRing2D from a collection of points.
static int Polygon2DUtils.windingNumber(Collection<Point2D> vertices, Point2D point)
          Computes the winding number of the polygon.

Constructors in math.geom2d.polygon with parameters of type Point2D
HRectangle2D(Point2D point, double w, double h)
          Main constructor
LinearRing2D(Point2D initialPoint)
LinearRing2D(Point2D[] points)
Polyline2D(Point2D initialPoint)
Polyline2D(Point2D[] points)
Rectangle2D(Point2D point, double w, double h)
          Main constructor
Rectangle2D(Point2D point, double w, double h, double theta)
          Main constructor
Ring2D(Point2D initialPoint)
          Deprecated. Ring2D will be changed to an interface in a future release. Use LinearRing2D instead (0.8.0)
Ring2D(Point2D[] points)
          Deprecated. Ring2D will be changed to an interface in a future release. Use LinearRing2D instead (0.8.0)
SimplePolygon2D(Point2D[] tab)
          Constructor from an array of points

Constructor parameters in math.geom2d.polygon with type arguments of type Point2D
LinearRing2D(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)
Polyline2D(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)
Ring2D(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)
          Deprecated. Ring2D will be changed to an interface in a future release. Use LinearRing2D instead (0.8.0)
SimplePolygon2D(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)

Uses of Point2D in math.geom2d.polygon.convhull

Method parameters in math.geom2d.polygon.convhull with type arguments of type Point2D
 Polygon2D JarvisMarch2D.convexHull(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)
          Computes the convex hull of a set of points as a single Polygon2D.
 Polygon2D GrahamScan2D.convexHull(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)
 Polygon2D ConvexHull2D.convexHull(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)

Uses of Point2D in math.geom2d.spline

Methods in math.geom2d.spline that return Point2D
 Point2D QuadBezierCurve2D.getControl()
 Point2D CubicBezierCurve2D.getControl1()
 Point2D CubicBezierCurve2D.getControl2()
 Point2D QuadBezierCurve2D.getCtrl()
 Point2D CubicBezierCurve2D.getCtrlP1()
 Point2D CubicBezierCurve2D.getCtrlP2()
 Point2D QuadBezierCurve2D.getFirstPoint()
          Get the first point of the curve.
 Point2D CubicBezierCurve2D.getFirstPoint()
          Returns the first point of the curve.
 Point2D QuadBezierCurve2D.getLastPoint()
          Get the last point of the curve.
 Point2D CubicBezierCurve2D.getLastPoint()
          Returns the last point of the curve.
 Point2D QuadBezierCurve2D.getP1()
 Point2D CubicBezierCurve2D.getP1()
 Point2D QuadBezierCurve2D.getP2()
 Point2D CubicBezierCurve2D.getP2()
 Point2D QuadBezierCurve2D.getPoint(double t)
 Point2D CubicBezierCurve2D.getPoint(double t)

Methods in math.geom2d.spline that return types with arguments of type Point2D
 Collection<Point2D> QuadBezierCurve2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
          Use approximation, by replacing Bezier curve with a polyline.
 Collection<Point2D> CubicBezierCurve2D.getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
          Use approximation, by replacing Bezier curve with a polyline.

Methods in math.geom2d.spline with parameters of type Point2D
static PolyCubicBezierCurve2D PolyCubicBezierCurve2D.create(Point2D[] points)
          Creates a series a cubic bezier curves, by grouping 4 adjacent points.
static PolyCubicBezierCurve2D PolyCubicBezierCurve2D.create(Point2D[] points, Vector2D[] vectors)
          Creates a series a cubic bezier curves, by grouping consecutive couples of points and vectors.
static QuadBezierCurve2D QuadBezierCurve2D.create(Point2D p1, Point2D p2, Point2D p3)
          Static factory for creating a new Quadratic Bezier curve from 3 points.
static CubicBezierCurve2D CubicBezierCurve2D.create(Point2D p1, Point2D c1, Point2D c2, Point2D p2)
static CubicBezierCurve2D CubicBezierCurve2D.create(Point2D p1, Vector2D v1, Point2D p2, Vector2D v2)

Uses of Point2D in math.geom2d.transform

Methods in math.geom2d.transform that return Point2D
 Point2D CircleInversion2D.getCenter()
 Point2D Transform2D.transform(Point2D src)
          Transforms a point
 Point2D CircleInversion2D.transform(Point2D pt)
 Point2D[] Transform2D.transform(Point2D[] src, Point2D[] dst)
          Transforms an array of points, and returns the transformed points.
 Point2D[] CircleInversion2D.transform(Point2D[] src, Point2D[] dst)
          Transforms an array of points, and returns the transformed points.
 Point2D CircleInversion2D.transformPoint(Point2D pt)

Methods in math.geom2d.transform with parameters of type Point2D
 Point2D[] Transform2D.transform(Point2D[] src, Point2D[] dst)
          Transforms an array of points, and returns the transformed points.
 Point2D[] CircleInversion2D.transform(Point2D[] src, Point2D[] dst)
          Transforms an array of points, and returns the transformed points.

Uses of Point2D in math.geom3d.plane

Methods in math.geom3d.plane that return Point2D
 Point2D Plane3D.getPointPosition(Point3D point)

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