Uses of Class

Packages that use ParseException
cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements This package contains parser for POSH plan, classes that represent elements of POSH plan and some auxiliry classes. 

Uses of ParseException in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements that return ParseException
 ParseException PoshParser.generateParseException()
          Generate ParseException.

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements that throw ParseException
 ActionPattern PoshParser.actionPattern()
          action-pattern ::= AP NAME ( NIL | "("
 void PoshParser.actionPatternElements(ActionPattern ap, FormalParameters formalParameters)
          process actions of the AP and add them into the passed ap.
 Adopt PoshParser.adapt()
          adapt ::= AD NAME [ ] "(" "(" "(" ")"
 cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.PoshParser.Packet<Arguments.Argument,Boolean> PoshParser.callParameter(int index, boolean named)
          Parameter used when calling C/AP/sense/action callParameter :: [ "=" ( | value() ) ]
 Arguments PoshParser.callParametersList(FormalParameters formalParameters)
          callParametersList:: callParameter() ( "," callParameter() )* ")"
 Competence PoshParser.competence()
          competence ::= C NAME ( NIL | "("
 CompetenceElement PoshParser.competenceElement(FormalParameters formalParameters)
          competence-element ::= "(" NAME [ "(" ] NAME [ INTNUM ] ")"
 List<Sense> PoshParser.competenceGoal(FormalParameters formalParameters)
          ( NIL | "(" | ) "(" ELEMENTS Part of competence() rule
 List<CompetenceElement> PoshParser.competencePriorities(FormalParameters formalParameters)
          competence-priorities ::= + competence-elements ::= "(" + ")" => competence-priorities ::= ( "(" + ")" )+.
 void PoshParser.docString(PoshPlan plan)
 void PoshParser.driveCollection(DriveCollection dc)
          Take passed drive collection and put the data (name, drives) into it.
 void PoshParser.driveCollectionGoal(DriveCollection dc, FormalParameters formalParameters)
          Process goal of DC (if exists)
 DriveElement PoshParser.driveElement(FormalParameters formalParameters)
          Create a drive and return it.
 cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.PoshParser.Packet<Arguments,Freq> PoshParser.driveElementActionFreq(FormalParameters formalParameters)
          Nonterminal for possible arguments of the action call of the drive action and the frequency.
 Freq PoshParser.driveElementFreq()
          Get specified frequency.
 List<Sense> PoshParser.driveElementTrigger(FormalParameters formalParameters)
          Read trigger (list of senses) and return it.
 Freq PoshParser.freq()
          freq ::= ")"
 Freq.FreqUnits PoshParser.freqUnit()
          freq-unit ::= HOURS | MINUTES | SECONDS | HZ | PM | NONE
 Sense PoshParser.fullSense(FormalParameters formalParameters)
          full-sense ::= "(" NAME [ []] ")"
 List<Sense> PoshParser.goal(FormalParameters formalParameters)
          Process goal sense and return them.
 String PoshParser.optComment()
          Optional comment, if no comment, return blank string.
 int PoshParser.optRetries()
          Optional number of retries.
 FormalParameters PoshParser.parameters()
          Declare parameters in C or AP.
static LapPath LapPath.parse(String serializedPath)
          Parse @serializedPath to
 PoshPlan PoshParser.parsePlan()
          FIXME: According to official grammar, plan can consists only from single competence or action pattern.
 void Sense.parseSense(String input)
          TODO: Correctly document, changed in hurry.
static Object Result.parseValue(String valueString)
          Parse string from posh plan and convert it to object.
 void PoshParser.planFirstElement(PoshPlan plan)
          [ "(" ] Part of plan rule.
 void PoshParser.planFirstHalf(PoshPlan plan)
          First half of plan rule
 void PoshParser.planSecondHalf(PoshPlan plan)
          ( "(" | )* Part of plan() rule
 void PoshParser.planSecondHalfElements(PoshPlan plan)
          ( | ) planSecondHalf(plan)
 PrimitiveCall PoshParser.senseCall(FormalParameters formalParameters)
          SenseCall sense:: [ "(" callParametersList() ]
 void PoshParser.sensePredicate(cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.SenseComponents _senseComp)
          predicate ::= PREDICATE
 List<Sense> PoshParser.senses(FormalParameters formalParameters)
          Get senses (if there are any) and return them.
 List<Sense> PoshParser.sensesList(FormalParameters formalParameters)
          ( NAME | )+ Part of sense() rule.
 Sense PoshParser.sensesListElement(FormalParameters formalParameters)
          NAME | Part of sensesList() rule XXX: I am using in first case, so it is impossible to have (sense1(sense2)) vs (sense1(simple_string)) because the calling vars are not compulsory, yet
 void PoshParser.senseValue(cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.SenseComponents _senseComp)
          value ::= NUMINT | NUMFLOAT | NAME | STRINGVALUE | NIL Part of full-sense parsing.
 SolTime PoshParser.time()
          time ::= ")"
 SolTime.TimeUnits PoshParser.timeUnit()
          time-unit ::= HOURS | MINUTES | SECONDS | NONE
 List<Sense> PoshParser.trigger(FormalParameters formalParameters)
          Get list of senses of a trigger.
 Object PoshParser.value()
 FormalParameters.Parameter PoshParser.varDeclaration()
          varDeclare:: "=" value()

Uses of ParseException in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.exceptions

Subclasses of ParseException in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.exceptions
 class CycleException
          When there is a cycle in the posh tree, this exception should be thrown.
 class DuplicateNameException
          Thrown when trying to add element into the posh tree, but the tree already contains element with the same name.
 class InvalidNameException
          Thrown when name in the lap plan is not valid (example: it includes whitespaces).

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