Interface IPFKnownMap<NODE>

Package class diagram package IPFKnownMap
All Superinterfaces:

public interface IPFKnownMap<NODE>
extends IPFMap<NODE>

This class represents the discrete search space for path-finding algorithms for games. It conceptualize the map/location/environment of the game for the purpose of planners as finite graph whose nodes are easily distinguishable from each others (it is suitable for NavigationGraphs using discrete navigation points, but it is not suitable for GOAP planners for strategic games such as Defcon).

You should first read IPFMap javadoc, then by looking at new interface methods, you can see that this interface is suitable for algorithms which need to know the whole graph in advance (such as Floyd-Warshall).

So you have to provide implementation for methods that returns all the nodes which are present in the map (getNodes()).

Method Summary
 Collection<NODE> getNodes()
          This must return the list of ALL NODES that are present in your map (== environment).
Methods inherited from interface
getArcCost, getNeighbors, getNodeCost

Method Detail


Collection<NODE> getNodes()
This must return the list of ALL NODES that are present in your map (== environment).

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