AStar<NODE> - Class in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar
Implementation of generic A* algorithm, better refered to as A* Machine according to Dan Higgins, Generic A* Pathfind paper from AI Gaming Wisdom, 2002
AStar(IPFMap<NODE>) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStar
AStar configured with "map" with no agent-specific view on the map, IPFMapView.DefaultView is used.
AStar(IPFMap<NODE>, IPFMapView<NODE>) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStar
AStar configured with "map" and agent-specific view on the map, if "view" is null, IPFMapView.DefaultView is going to be used.
AStarHeapComparator<NODE> - Class in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar
This comparator is a tricky object - it serves for the AStarHeap to compare nodes inside the heap.
AStarHeapComparator(Map<NODE, Integer>) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarHeapComparator
AStarResult<NODE> - Class in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar
Represents result of the computation of AStar#AStar.findPath(cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFGoal, long).
AStarResult() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult


cacheAllPaths() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
closeList - Variable in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
Nodes which were examined by the algorithm.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarHeapComparator
compute() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
Force FloydWarshall to refresh its path matrix, useful if you modify the map or view using FloydWarshall.setMap(IPFKnownMap) or FloydWarshall.setMapView(IPFKnownMapView).
cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar - package cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar
cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall - package cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall
cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map - package cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map


estimatedCost - Variable in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
Used and filled by A* algorithm (AStar.aStar()).


findPath(IPFGoal<NODE>, long) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStar
Method performing an AStar search over graph defined inside IPFMap starting from 'start' node driving itself towards goal that is described by AStarGoal.
findPath(IPFGoal<NODE>, IPFMapView<NODE>) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStar
Method performing an AStar search over graph defined inside IPFMap starting from 'start' node driving itself towards goal that is described by IPFGoal.
findPath(IPFGoal<NODE>) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStar
Method performing an AStar search over graph defined inside IPFMap starting from 'start' node driving itself towards goal that is described by IPFGoal.
FloydWarshall<NODE> - Class in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall
Floyd-Warshall algorithm for precomputing all-possible paths within the IPFKnownMap.
FloydWarshall(IPFKnownMap<NODE>) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
FloydWarshall configured with "map" with no agent-specific view on the map, IPFMapView.DefaultView is used.
FloydWarshall(IPFKnownMap<NODE>, IPFKnownMapView<NODE>) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
FloydWarshall configured with "map" and agent-specific view on the map, if "view" is null, IPFMapView.DefaultView is going to be used.
FloydWarshall(IPFKnownMap<NODE>, Logger) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
FloydWarshall configured with "map" with no agent-specific view on the map, IPFMapView.DefaultView is used.
FloydWarshall(IPFKnownMap<NODE>, IPFKnownMapView<NODE>, Logger) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
FloydWarshall configured with "map" and agent-specific view on the map, if "view" is null, IPFMapView.DefaultView is going to be used.
FloydWarshall.PathMatrixNode<N> - Class in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall
Class describing cell inside the FloydWarshall matrix holding additional informations relating to the path between two nodes.
FloydWarshall.PathMatrixNode() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall.PathMatrixNode
Doesn't leading anywhere
FloydWarshall.PathMatrixNode(int) - Constructor for class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall.PathMatrixNode


getAproxMemory() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
Returns approximation of memory consumption of this object in bytes for 32-bit JVM, might be as twice for 64-bit JVM!
getArcCost(NODE, NODE) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFMap
Should return the cost of traveling from "nodeFrom" to "nodeTo".
getArcExtraCost(NODE, NODE, int) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFMapView.DefaultView
getArcExtraCost(NODE, NODE, int) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFMapView
Method defining extra-arc cost, that is a cost that is added to IPFMap.getArcCost(Object, Object).
getBytesAprox() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall.PathMatrixNode
Returns aprox.
getBytesAproxWithoutPath() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall.PathMatrixNode
Returns aprox.
getCostToNode(NODE) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
getCostToNode(NODE) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.IAStarResult
Returns cost of the path from startNode to node if the node was touched by A* algorithm (if A* was successful, then this always contains the goalNode and every node on the path at least).
getDistanceToGoal() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
getDistanceToGoal() - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.IAStarResult
If the AStar succeeded then it returns the distance to the goal from the start node.
getEstimatedCostToGoal(NODE) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFGoal
This is heuristic function that returns how far is "node" from your goal, i.e., estimated "cost" it will take the agent to get from "node" to the goal.
getEstimatedCostToNode(NODE) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
getEstimatedCostToNode(NODE) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.IAStarResult
Returns estimated cost of the path from startNode to goal through node.
getExtraNeighbors(NODE, Collection<NODE>) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFMapView.DefaultView
getExtraNeighbors(NODE, Collection<NODE>) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFMapView
This method may return new nodes which are not present in 'mapNeighbors' (as returned by IPFMap.getNeighbors(Object)).
getExtraNodes(Collection<NODE>) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFKnownMapView.DefaultView
getExtraNodes(Collection<NODE>) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFKnownMapView
This method may return new nodes which are not present in standard 'map' (as returned by IPFKnownMap.getNodes()).
getLog() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
Returns logger used by this object.
getMap() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStar
Map abstraction the AStar is working with.
getMap() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
Map abstraction the FloydWarshall is working with.
getMapView() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStar
Returns agent-specific map view for the map.
getMapView() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
Returns agent-specific map view for the map.
getMatrix() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
Returns matrix of nodes as computed by FloydWarshall algorithm.
getNeighbors(NODE) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFMap
This should return a collection of nodes which are connected to this one by some arc (== oriented edge).
getNodeCost(NODE) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFMap
General cost of having this node at your path.
getNodeExtraCost(NODE, int) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFMapView.DefaultView
getNodeExtraCost(NODE, int) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFMapView
Method defining extra-node cost, that is a cost that is added to IPFMap.getNodeCost(Object).
getNodeIndex(NODE) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
Returns index of the node inside FloydWarshall.getMatrix().
getNodes() - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFKnownMap
This must return the list of ALL NODES that are present in your map (== environment).
getPath() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
getPath() - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.IAStarResult
Returns the path from startNode to goalNode.
getPath(NODE, NODE) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
Returns path between navpoints 'from' -> 'to'.
getPath() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall.PathMatrixNode
Returns the full path between nodes.
getPathCost(NODE, NODE) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
Calculate's distance between two nav points (using pathfinding).
getPathCost() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall.PathMatrixNode
Returns the cost of the path between nodes, if the path does not exist, returns Integer.MAX_VALUE.
getPathMatrixNode(NODE, NODE) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
Returns PathMatrixNode describing path from "nodeFrom" to "nodeTo".
getPreviousNode(NODE) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
getPreviousNode(NODE) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.IAStarResult
Previous node in the path to the goal node.
getStart() - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFGoal
Returns start node that the algorithm will begin with.
getViaNode() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall.PathMatrixNode
Returns the node you have to travel through.
goalNode - Variable in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
Node which was marked as a goalNode by AStarMap.


IAStarResult<NODE> - Interface in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar
This interface is returned by AStar#AStar.findPath(cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFGoal, long).
interations - Variable in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
Contains the number of iterations made by A* search.
IPFGoal<NODE> - Interface in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map
General interface that is describing the goal for the exploratory path-finder such as A-Star algorithm.
IPFKnownMap<NODE> - Interface in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map
This class represents the discrete search space for path-finding algorithms for games.
IPFKnownMapView<NODE> - Interface in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map
This interface provides additional information about the map algorithms are going to work with.
IPFKnownMapView.DefaultView<NODE> - Class in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map
Default view does not impose any specific view on the map...
IPFKnownMapView.DefaultView() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFKnownMapView.DefaultView
IPFMap<NODE> - Interface in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map
This class represents the discrete search space for path-finding algorithms for games.
IPFMapView<NODE> - Interface in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map
This interface provides additional information about the map algorithms are going to work with.
IPFMapView.DefaultView<NODE> - Class in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map
Default view does not impose any specific view on the map...
IPFMapView.DefaultView() - Constructor for class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFMapView.DefaultView
isArcOpened(NODE, NODE) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFMapView.DefaultView
isArcOpened(NODE, NODE) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFMapView
Arcs filter.
isGoalReached(NODE) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFGoal
Goal-recognition function, i.e., it recognizes which node is actually the goal.
isNodeOpened(NODE) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFMapView.DefaultView
isNodeOpened(NODE) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFMapView
Nodes filter.
isReachable(NODE, NODE) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
Whether node 'to' is reachable (path exists) from the node 'from'.
isSuccess() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
isSuccess() - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.IAStarResult
Whether this result represents the success, i.e., path from start to goal node has been found.


openList - Variable in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
List of nodes which is opened -> was touched by the algorithm and are subjects of examination.


pathCost - Variable in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
Used and filled by A* algorithm (AStar.aStar()).
previousNode - Variable in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
Used by getPath() and filled by A* algorithm (AStar.aStar()).
putCostToNode(NODE, Integer) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
Assing cost of the path from startNode to node.
putEstimatedCostToNode(NODE, Integer) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
Assing estimated cost of the path from startNode to goalNode through node.
putPreviousNode(NODE, NODE) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
Assing 'previous' as an previous node for 'node' (the path from 'startNode' to 'node' goes across 'previous').


setCloseList(Set<NODE>) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFGoal
This is called at the beginning of the A* algorithm to bind the close list to the goal (you may use it check which nodes we've visited, etc...
setLog(Logger) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
Sets logger used by this object.
setMap(IPFMap<NODE>) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStar
Sets map abstraction into the AStar.
setMap(IPFKnownMap<NODE>) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
Sets map abstraction into the FloydWarshall.
setMapView(IPFMapView<NODE>) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStar
Sets agent-specific map view for the map.
setMapView(IPFKnownMapView<NODE>) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall
Sets agent-specific map view for the map.
setOpenList(IHeap<NODE>) - Method in interface cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.map.IPFGoal
This is called at the beginning of the A* algorithm to bind the open list to the goal (you may use it check which nodes we've visited, etc...
setPath(List<N>) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall.PathMatrixNode
Sets the full path between nodes, computed as the last step of FloydWarshall.performFloydWarshall(List).
setPathCost(int) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall.PathMatrixNode
Sets the cost of the path between nodes.
setViaNode(Integer) - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall.PathMatrixNode
Sets the node you have to travel through.
startNode - Variable in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
Start node of the A*.
success - Variable in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar.AStarResult
Whether goalNode was found during the A* run.


toString() - Method in class cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.floydwarshall.FloydWarshall


Copyright © 2014 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.