Package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.agent.navigation.navmesh

Package class diagram package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.agent.navigation.navmesh
Interface Summary
INavMeshAtom Interface for navmesh atom.

Class Summary
AStarNode class used in algorithm A* in pathfinding in NavMesh
LevelGeometry Class containing complete data with the geometry of the environment It is useful for steering It is part of NavMesh class
LevelGeometryBSPNode Node for building a BSP tree structure on the level geometry
LevelGeometryModule LevelGeometryModule is wrapping the load/save logic for the LevelGeometry.
NavMesh Class storing NavMesh data structures.
NavMeshCore Serializable container for key data of Navmesh This the part of Navmesh that can be stored in a file
NavMeshModule Main class of Navigation Mesh module
NavMeshPolygon Implementation of INavMeshAtom for polygons
OffMeshEdge Edge between two offMeshPoints
OffMeshPoint CLass representing a navpoint which is a part of an off mesh connection in navMesh Contains mainly the real navpoint and then some more information , like polygon and connections to others

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