Interface AStarHeuristic<NODE>

Package class diagram package AStarHeuristic
All Known Subinterfaces:
AStarEvaluator<NODE>, AStarGoal<NODE>

public interface AStarHeuristic<NODE>

This is an interface containing a method for computing the AStar heuristic. That means the estimation how far the goal is from some node that is currently being visited by AStar.


Method Summary
 int getEstimatedDistanceToGoal(NODE node)
          This is heuristic function.

Method Detail


int getEstimatedDistanceToGoal(NODE node)
This is heuristic function.


This heuristic must be correct for A* to work correctly, that means the returned distance must be smaller or equal to the real distance and must be monotonic. (In 2D, 3D an euclidean metric will do the job).

how far is to the goal from the node

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