Package cz.cuni.amis.utils.astar

Package class diagram package cz.cuni.amis.utils.astar
Interface Summary
AStarEvaluator<NODE> Evaluator is extending a functionality of AStarHeuristic allowing you to additionally specified which NODEs can't be visited at all or assign extra cost to edges between nodes which is added to AStarMap.getEdgeCost(Object, Object) when computing distances between them.
AStarGoal<NODE> This class defines the goal of A* algorithm, it allows you to provide complex implementation of the AStarGoal.isGoalReached(Object) method.
AStarHeuristic<NODE> This is an interface containing a method for computing the AStar heuristic.
AStarMap<NODE> This class represents the search space for A* algorithm 1) we need to know which neighbours the node has 2) we need to know the travel cost between two nodes (edge cost)

Class Summary
AStar<NODE> ======================================================== This file holds implementation of generic A* algorithm, better refered to as A* Machine according to Dan Higgins, Generic A* Pathfind, AI Gaming Wisdom, 2002 ========================================================
AStarHeap<NODE> This is Heap used by AStar algorithm.
AStarHeapComparator<NODE> This comparator is a tricky object - it serves for the AStarHeap to compare nodes inside the heap.
AStarHeapIterator<NODE> Clasical iterator for AStarHeap.
AStarResult<NODE> This class is returned by AStar.aStar().

Copyright © 2012 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.